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Chapter Nineteen

After a couple of hours, Charlotte sent Elizabeth with Liam to the Fort. “’Tis best that I do so, Charlotte. Then I can be the one to deliver meals to your room since you are too ill to come to the dining hall. I can keep up the charade. When will you return?”

Charlotte replied, “Thank you, Elizabeth. I will try to return tomorrow, but I have a plan. I will send my father a letter, telling him that Julia has asked me to go to the Fort to take care of a few matters. I’m sure he would not deprive me of that duty. I will send it by way of Seamus. And you could explain it as if I had recovered and left as soon as possible.”

Elizabeth nodded. “And I will write to you if anything changes. I’m sorry we could not come on happier circumstances. I would very much have liked to see the Isle. But I do wish you all the best with your Highlander.” She smiled down at Angus.

Charlotte blushed. “Thank you. Good journey. Enjoy time alone with Liam.” Charlotte winked, and Elizabeth groaned before leaving the room. “You shall hear of my embarrassment later.”

Charlotte was all alone with Angus. He had slept peacefully for hours, and she was grateful for it. His face looked placid, and he had barely moved since she’d arrived. But she knew that he would need to take sustenance soon. Even if sleep was a healing tonic, he had lacked in food and water for too long. She needed to get him to consume something.

Luckily enough, it was like Angus had heard her thoughts, and he began to stir. Her stomach tightened nervously. Would he speak again? What would she say to him? Her heart sputtered into quickened life, beating against her chest. He groaned slightly, and his green eyes flickered open.

For a moment, he laid there, staring up at the ceiling, but then he tried to push himself to sit up. He was only slightly successful because of his weakness, but when he turned his head to the side, he froze. “Charlotte,” he whispered, his voice raspy from lack of use and lack of liquid. “Ye came.”

With those words, her heart fell. He hadn’t remembered that she’d arrived? And maybe his miraculous recovery had nothing to do with her? She cleared her throat. “Yes, Angus. I have come. I heard you weren’t well, and Liam came to fetch me.” She had trouble meeting his green stare. “Come, please drink this.” She handed him a cup of cold water and a cup of herbed broth. “Mrs. MacLean will also bring up some food for you once I send the word.”

Angus clutched onto the cups, and Charlotte kept her hands there assisting him, noticing how weak he’d become. He drank the water gratefully, and Charlotte watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallowed fast. Then she handed him the herbs, and he drank that down quickly as well.

“When did ye come?” he asked, his face already looking a little brighter and his voice a little clearer.

“This morning, but I’d heard you’d been sick for a couple of days.”

“Yer father let ye come?”

She replied, “Well, he does not know I am here. He is off on business, so I took the opportunity to come. I will explain it to him later that I was doing business for Julia.”

“Business.” He repeated her words and closed his eyes, sighing.

After a few moments pause, Charlotte said, “Angus, why did you call for me?” She knew it was not the proper time, but it spilled out. Her heart was too eager. After she’d asked it, she regretted it once she saw the pain in Angus’ face.

She started to talk again, “Oh, I’m sorry…this is not the…”

Angus cut her off, saying. “Ye heard that?” She looked up to see him watching her, his face a little sheepish.

She nodded. “And Liam mentioned it to me as well.”

“Traitor.” He smirked. “Aye, well, ‘twas because I knew I was ill and needed yer help.” His words came out haltingly as if he struggled to think of what to say.

Charlotte’s disappointment lay on her breast like a weight. So, it had nothing to do with any feelings he might have harbored for her. But she kept her voice clear of it. “Ah, I see. Well, it was good fortune that I could come then. Once I arrived, you slept soundly for hours. I hope that you will begin to feel better. You seem to be on the mend, so there is no reason for me to stay.”

She rose and turned to go, her cheeks flaming red from his slight dismissal. “I will tell Mrs. MacLean to send the food up for you. You do not seem to be suffering from the same illness as the villagers, but you should still eat some of the fruits and vegetables. I wish you well, Angus.”

She opened the door but then heard in a low, pained voice, “Dinnae go, lass.”

She paused and then turned back. “What?”

He grimaced slightly as he shifted his weight on the bed, sitting up even straighter, his bare chest completely in her view. “I said dinnae go. I need ye tae stay.”

She closed the door, her heart fluttering in her chest. “You want me to stay here until you feel better?”

He nodded slowly. “Aye, but ‘tis more than that. There is something I need tae tell ye.” But then, he clutched his head and sunk back onto the sheets.

Charlotte rushed to his side. “I’m sorry, Angus, I should not have troubled you with this conversation. Sleep. We can talk tomorrow, once you’ve awoken.”


“Do not trouble yourself.” She sat next to him and laid a hand on his arm. “Sleep. You can eat once you awake. ‘Twill only be a bit of boiled cabbage.”

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