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No, she couldn’t do that. She was glad that she hadn’t acted on that impulse. She would have to control herself and the wild emotions that were suddenly raging through her at every moment. It was simply the fact that he had saved her from rape, and perhaps even death. That’s why she was all aflutter as she sat in her room. It had nothing to do with those eyes of his, which were so expressive and watchful even when he said nothing.

No, it really couldn’t be that. She had no interest in Angus MacLean. He ignored any of the sort of female flirtations she had put into action when she’d first arrived, and so now, she really wanted nothing to do with him. When she first came, she thought it would be a little bit of entertainment to toy with him just as she’d toyed with other men. She would flutter her eyelashes and touch him on the arm with a laugh, but it elicited nothing. He would nearly recoil at her attentions, and her strange defeat put Charlotte at odds with him, and all the other occurrences built up against him as well.

The only thing was to put it out of her mind and get ready for the mid-day meal with Julia and Calum. They would be leaving the next morning, and she needed to present a calm front. What should she think about besides what had happened? Or Angus MacLean? Or Julia leaving?

She sighed. She could think about her patients, she supposed, and the fact that more and more were falling ill, or she could think about how her father would surely call her back soon, and she’d be stuck in the most boring place on earth: the barracks. She had nothing pleasant or positive to think of. Excellent.

Well, there were Angus’ eyes, of course. No! They needed to leave her thoughts immediately. She wrestled with herself for a few more moments when a knock came at the door. “Come in!” Charlotte froze, hoping it wasn’t Julia. She wasn’t ready to see her yet.

A maid entered, and curtsied. “Miss, lunch will be ready soon.”

“Thank you,” Charlotte smiled and watched gratefully as the door closed. She needed to freshen up, and she was a little surprised at the state of her appearance once she sat in front of her vanity mirror. She knew her hair had fallen down, but it looked practically savage! She blushed at the thought of Angus seeing her like this, leaves and twigs twisted into it, all frizzy and unkempt.

She had wanted Angus and all men, really, to see her as a perfect, well-kempt woman, who never had any ill-looking days. Now, she had gone and messed that up entirely. But he had been a gentleman and hadn’t said anything about it. He was probably gleeful to see her in such a state. No, that was unfair. Charlotte freshened herself and adjusted her hair. She did not wish to call for the maid as she wanted to be alone, so she did what she could and braided a long braid down her shoulder. It would do for now.

She met everyone down in the great hall for the mid-day meal. Julia smiled as she arrived. Charlotte caught eyes with Angus, but she was glad he didn’t say anything. Looking at Julia’s smile, he had kept to his promise.

Julia said, “Charlotte, how was everyone today? Did you enjoy your island journey?”

They began to eat as servants brought food to the table. Charlotte was overjoyed to watch her wine glass being filled, and she took a sip before speaking. She looked at Angus quickly. “It was lovely, but I’m afraid I cannot identify the illness that is plaguing many of the inhabitants. It doesn’t behave like other illnesses, and so it confounds me. I will visit them tomorrow to see how they fare after the instructions I gave them today.”

Angus piped up. “Perhaps we should call for someone else tae come and take a look at them. A trained male doctor, who can keep himself safe as he travels around.”

Julia looked confused, and Charlotte opened her eyes wide in Angus’ direction, warning him. He raised his eyebrows slightly but continued to look impassive. Charlotte shook her head. “No, I do not think that a MALE could do any better. I will simply have to return to the library this evening to see what I might find in your extensive collection.”

Calum nodded. “Aye, I hope so, cousin, for we’d like ye tae stay on once we leave and help with the healing and tae save ye from what boredom lie across the water.”

Julia smiled. “If you think your father would allow it. I know how much you’re enjoying it here.”

Charlotte brightened, so happy that she had been formally requested to stay on, “Oh, I’m sure I could convince him for at least a little bit longer! I would love to stay - truly. I fear the barracks will be as dull as tombs.”

Angus stiffened at the words. “Brother, I had nae notion that ye’d want the lass tae stay on. Surely the barracks would be a safer place for her.”

Calum grinned in Angus’ direction and winked at his brother, unbeknownst to the ladies. Angus clenched his jaw. Charlotte waved a hand in the air and said with a little too much heat. “Always concerned for my welfare, once more. You would consign me to rot in the unexciting barracks, Mr. MacLean.”

Angus replied, “Is that nae better than getting hurt somewhere?”

Charlotte paused and turned to see Julia and Calum staring at them, looks of confusion and entertainment on their faces. She chuckled nervously. “All is well. You know me, Julia, I would simply die in a place like that, and I hope my father does not call for me any time soon. But, of course, I will have to let him know.”

“Of course, Charlotte. I do hope ye’ll send him a letter today. I know we’re leaving tomorrow, but it would make me feel so much better if you’d stay. I hate to leave you so soon after we’ve been reunited, though.”

Charlotte smiled. “I know. You’ve both been so good to me.” She made a point of turning her shoulder slightly to block Angus out of her kind words. “I thank you for all your hospitality. You’ve certainly saved me from a life of drudgery while my father continues to reside in Scotland, and therefore, so must I.”

Calum then said, mirth in his voice, “Well, perhaps when we’re gone, ye’ll be able tae find something tae entertain yerself.” He glanced at his brother and said, “Angus would be happy tae assist, I’m sure.”

Charlotte blushed, and Angus glared at Calum, clenching his fists underneath the table. “The lass knows her own mind well enough and will surely find her own amusement without my help.”

Charlotte filled with gratitude at Angus’ defense, but she couldn’t help but feel the slightest of tug of interest at the thought of what Angus MacLean might do to...entertain.

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