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But she was moving so slowly, it was near agony for him. When he couldn’t take it anymore, he took her waist in his hands again and began pumping into her, and he watched with delight as Charlotte’s expression turned to one of dreamy pleasure, her eyes half-closed as she allowed him to thrust hard and deep.

Then, he stiffened and tightened his grip on her waist, and both of them cried out together, their bodies nearly spent with pleasure as they shuddered against each other. There were no words as they slipped apart onto the bed and fell into a contented sleep.

* * *

Lord Darling was pacing, and Elizabeth followed him with her eyes. Her initial fear had worn off after she’d questioned his decisions, but now, she was on edge, waiting for him to speak, to punish, or to reprimand. His hands were clasped behind his back, and with each movement, he looked as if he was getting angrier and angrier.

Then, he spun around and stared at Elizabeth. “How could you defy me, girl? Why would you ask such a question of me? I am your father, your commander, and your total guide in your life. In my position, I am in charge of the General and his decisions if they will affect his performance and the performance of the Fort.”

“But how could Charlotte’s marriage help with that? I merely ask out of curiosity, Father, not to question your decisions.” She added the last part quickly, hoping to escape a renewed cold stare.

“Because of her behavior. That girl is rash, and she puts on airs. She thinks she has control over her father, and he is too weak. He will allow her to take control and do foolish things like sending vegetables to those brutes across the water!”

Elizabeth winced at the vehemence of his anger. She was beginning to get annoyed by the way he said ‘girl’ as if both of them were children, unable to know their own minds. “I see. Well, certainly, there are other ways of keeping her under control. She does not need to be sent away.”

If it was possible, Mortimer Darling narrowed his eyes even further. “Have you developed a friendship with this woman, a woman who will make herself a pariah, and you as well if you keep in contact with her?”

Elizabeth swallowed. Here was where she could not lie to her father. He would be able to see right through it, so she had to tell the truth. “We barely know each other, Father, but yes, I have found her company to be agreeable. She has been very kind to me. Not many of the Society women I’ve met in London have been so.”

He grumbled. “Do not let her fool you, and do not get too attached. I can see the mischief in her eyes. She will be set to rights.” At that moment, General Andrews entered the room, a smile on his face.

“Hello, all. I have returned. How was the journey to the food supplier, Lord Darling? And how are you, Elizabeth?”

Elizabeth’s heart warmed at the kindness of the general. She was sad that her father was trying to squash that kindness and reframe it into something cold and hard, like him. Elizabeth said, “I am well, thank you.”

Her father replied, “I have no time to discuss my journey or yours, General. There are other matters to discuss.” He passed over Charlotte’s letter. “Would you like to see what your daughter has been up to?”

General Andrews looked down, with a frown on his face and read the letter. Elizabeth could tell he went slightly pale, and it seemed he lingered over the reading. She wondered if he was afraid to meet her father’s eyes.

“What does this mean?” General Andrews asked, looking from Lord Darling to Elizabeth.

“It means that your daughter defied your instruction and took the time when you were away from the Fort to do so. She is a menace, General! She will bring ruin down upon both of your heads and ours as well!”

Elizabeth wished she could imbue the General with the power to defy her father. He could do it. He had the standing, but he seemed to cower in his superior’s presence.

“But surely she has a good reason for going. Like she said, she heard from Julia and wishes to assist her cousin. Is that not a good reason?”

Lord Darling threw up his hands and wandered away towards the hearth. He stood looking at the flames for a few seconds, and Elizabeth thought he was trying to catch his breath to calm himself. She waited for the eruption that was about to ensue.

When her father turned around, he took out a handkerchief and wiped his face. Goodness, he is so angry he is sweating!

Lord Darling said, “Man, you must take control of those under you! How will your men respect you if you cannot control your own daughter, who is a mere woman, a child?!” Elizabeth winced and felt her fists clench in anger despite her fear of her father’s looming rage.

Suddenly he turned to Elizabeth. “Girl, leave us. This is men’s business.” He waved a hand in her direction, and Elizabeth moved to leave. She glanced at General Andrews, and he looked back mournfully. The swish of her skirts was the only sound left in the room as she made her way out of it.

Once the door was shut, she heard renewed voices, so she remained just outside of it so that she could hear. She took a deep breath and whispered, “God give me strength.”

She looked around to make sure the Hall was empty before she turned her ear to the door.

“Look, Andrews, here is what has occurred. On my travels, I learned a bit of information. Remember how I told you that war is brewing, and we will have a battle on our hands if we do not do something about it and try to quell it if we can. I have sources that told me who the inciter of these future battles is.”

“Who is it?”

“’Tis Angus MacLean of the Isle of Mull.”

Elizabeth gasped, and in her surprise, pulled back away from the door. “What?” she whispered to the Hall. “This cannot be! Poor Charlotte!”

She then put her ear back and heard General Andrews reply, “How could this be, Sir? His brother, the laird of the clan, is married to my niece. He is a good man.”

“Ha! And yet again, your weakness allows you to fall for others’ tricks. It does not matter that the laird is married to your niece, but the brother of the man is beginning to build up connections with other clans to try to overpower the English forts, starting with Fort William! This is why your daughter cannot be there and why we cannot appear as if we are assisting them in any way!”

“What do you suggest we do?”

“You must go and collect reinforcements from Fort George so that we are prepared in case a battle ensues. I must go and get your daughter from the man and take the man in for questioning before he begins anything. Fort William cannot be under suspicion. Especially if we are to be put in danger of treason by a foolish woman! She must be married off as soon as possible so that everyone forgets what has happened. Or, she could lose her life and perhaps even yours for fighting against the Crown.”

“I shall go, Sir. I will prepare the men. But it will take some time,” the General said solemnly.

“Just go, General Andrews. The men and I can handle things until you return. I believe the MacLeans will wish to listen to me.” Elizabeth pulled away from the door as she heard footsteps. She rushed back to her room before anyone could see her eavesdropping.

“Oh, no! Charlotte! Dear, dear Charlotte! If only I could get a message to you!” Elizabeth sank to her bed with her face in her hands. Now Charlotte’s fate would be much, much worse. But perhaps there might be a way. Elizabeth slipped out of her room and found her way to the back door of the Fort.
