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Chapter Twenty-Three

Amid protests from a very contented Angus, Charlotte left to return to her own room. It had been a struggle having a man retie her corset for her and help her into her gown, but they made it, and she returned to her room without anyone being the wiser. She had encouraged Angus to rest, for he was looking just a little bit wan after both bouts of their lovemaking, and although he wanted more, she knew that he needed food and sleep.

Once she was in her room, she shut the door behind her and sat at her hearth. It was still only afternoon, but she poured a glass of wine for herself from her carafe and took a deep long sip. She sat in a daze for a while, trying to figure out what had happened. She had done it, just as she’d desired to.

She had made love to Angus, and it was better than anything she had expected. She smiled to herself at the memory of his hands and lips all over her and their cries of ecstasy as they gave each other pleasure. Angus was like a different person. He wanted her, and he had wanted her to stay. That’s why he’d been so surly from the start, just as she had. But, now, everything had been revealed. Well, almost everything. Both of them admitted to their attraction and their affection, but the word love had not been used. Charlotte had so desperately wanted to say it, but at the last minute, she just couldn’t.

She still wasn’t sure if he loved her or just liked her and her company. He obviously thought she was beautiful, which made her senses heighten again. Well, she had done what she’d planned to do, hadn’t she? She made use of the time they had left to be with the man whom both her soul and her body craved.

The world was a cruel place, was it not? After she had left the room and the height of her ecstasy had fallen to Earth level, she remembered grimly her responsibilities. She would have to follow orders as all women before had done and would probably continue to do. She had to protect her father and help him be able to retire from his post in comfort. If she was to be the cause of his downfall, whether physically or in reputation, then she could not bear it.

Charlotte finished her wine. She smoothed her gown and reminded herself that she had one more night at Duart. The letter would have made it across the Sound by now, and her father would have also arrived, most likely. He would accept her excuse, and she could return to the Fort tomorrow. She held her fists tightly, trying to convince herself that it was true. She hoped that there was still a little bit left of her father’s easy indulgence in him so that he would allow her to stay.

She left the room and went to the kitchens to find Mrs. MacLean. Upon arrival, she found her busily speaking to the kitchen maids. “Oh, hello, Mistress! And how is the patient this morning?”

Charlotte willed her cheeks to remain free of heat. She did not want to reveal herself in front of all the staff. She knew that even Mrs. MacLean would think her unladylike, and she could not have dealt with it at the moment. “He is much better. I was right. The good night’s sleep has helped keep any problems at bay. He has eaten the cabbage you left, but I think he is ready for a proper meal. Please send up a full breakfast as well as tea and cold water once again.”

“Of course!” Then Mrs. MacLean whispered, “And how long will ye be staying, my dear? Any changes of heart?”

Charlotte shook her head. “I still must go, but I have sent a message to my father. I plan to leave tomorrow morning if that is all right. I can help assist with anything that needs doing.”

Mrs. MacLean frowned slightly but then said, “I can show ye the study, Mistress, and perhaps ye can send out the men tae begin the planting. With Angus’ permission.”

“Of course. I would love to.” Finally, she had a bit of real work to do. “And I can speak to Liam about what he must gather for planting across the Sound.”

“Thank you. I shall send the food tae him right away.” She spoke to the kitchen maids behind her, and then the two of them walked up to the study. “Here ye are, Mistress. I am certain that nae one would quibble about me allowing ye full rein in the study.”

Charlotte nodded with a smile and then entered. She stared at the large wooden desk that stood there, forlornly, as if it had been waiting for an occupant. She sat behind it and began to shuffle through large sheets of paper. It was a mixture of handwriting and scribbles, but she smiled when she saw Julia’s tight, neat hand, displaying columns of numbers.

Julia. Sensible, kind, understanding Julia. She needed her cousin now more than ever, and she hoped that she would return soon, bringing all of their lives back to normal. But, still, if Julia were there at the moment, Charlotte couldn’t decide if she would be able to tell her about Angus. Not because she was embarrassed by her love for him, but that she was afraid to disappoint both she and Calum when they found out that her father had already engaged her to another man.

She pushed that concern from her mind and looked instead at the paper written by Mrs. MacLean for what supplies they would need for each season. In spring, many of the items were crossed out, already supplied by Liam’s ventures to the mainland. But, there were still many not yet gotten. With Angus unable to work properly, they had lost valuable time. Certainly, the Campbells could return at any time.

She wrote down her ideas for seeds to bring over. They would need potatoes, carrots, and cabbage, for they had none of that on their list. Their main crops were tobacco, corn, and wheat, and those items were not giving the people what they needed. She would go to see her patients later in the day to see if they continued to fare well.

Once she saw the list, she folded it and took it with her to leave the study. She would need to speak with Liam about what he needed to do. And she could ask about bringing her back tomorrow to the Fort and how Fen and the others were getting on with the rebuilding of village homes and barns.

She felt invigorated. It was like she had lost a part of herself in the past week once she left Duart, but now she was back, refilled with energy, purpose, and of course, love. She left out the front door of the castle and rushed forward down towards the shore as she saw his figure and a few others by the boats. But, she noticed he was running at her too.

She slowed down in surprise. He called out and waved his arms, “Mistress! Charlotte!”

“What is it?” Soon, Liam was right in front of her, breathless, his face etched with concern.

“Soldiers are coming, and so is that Lord Darling!”

* * *

After Elizabeth left her bedroom, she raced towards the shore, hoping that Liam would still be there. For surely, it was he who had brought the letter from Charlotte that morning. It could have been Seamus, but she had to try to find Liam if he was still here. At least she could warn them what was about to happen. Maybe they could assemble their men?

She wrapped her cloak around herself and rushed as quickly as she could through the misty morning. She whispered, “Oh, dear God, please let Liam be there!”

She knew the path well, but the mist was too thick, and she practically bumped into Liam as he stood next to the shore. He held her elbows to steady her. “Och! Elizabeth! I mean, Miss Darling!” He was smiling, but then when he saw her face, he said, “What is it, lass? What has happened?”

Elizabeth attempted a few times to speak, but she had to wait until she could catch her breath. She finally replied, “Charlotte’s father and my father, Lord Darling, have returned from their journey. They now know that Charlotte is at Duart Castle, and they are in a rage. My father plans to come across the Sound and retrieve her as well as Angus! They mean to question him! Charlotte’s father has gone for reinforcements!”

Liam was bewildered. “What? Why?”

“I think it has something to do with war? My father seems to suspect him of something. I don’t know, but you must hurry! They will be on their way soon, once the men are ready. Warn them, please!”
