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General Andrews cut in, and he moved closer to the men. “If I may be of service, we can provide the wagons and horses for you to return him to your land.”

John did not reply but simply nodded in thanks and agreement. General Andrews left the room to make the arrangements.

The men continued in quiet conversation, and Julia walked towards the women, reaching out for Charlotte’s hand. “My dear cousin, you will have to tell me all that has happened. I’m afraid this does not make any sense.”

Charlotte said, “I shall - believe me. There is much to say. But now, I would like you to meet Elizabeth. She is my dear friend.”

Julia took Elizabeth’s hand and gave a slight bow. “Hello, it is lovely to meet you.”

Elizabeth tried to smile, but her eyes kept turning towards the body. “Hello. I simply wish it was under better circumstances. I am sorry, dear Charlotte, but you will have to excuse me. I cannot bear being here any longer.”

Charlotte said, “Of course, Elizabeth. I shall come and see you when more things are settled. You must rest.” Elizabeth left the room hurriedly, and Charlotte said, “She is Lord Darling’s daughter, the man who was taken to the Fort’s dungeon. She has had a sad time of it, I’m afraid. But you shall love her, Julia. She has become a dear friend, confidante, and solace to me since you’ve been away.”

Julia squeezed Charlotte’s arm. “I am happy for it.”

The General appeared with more soldiers, and slowly and surprisingly gently, John was pulled away from Archibald’s body. The men were careful as they lifted his brother’s body from the floor and carried it outside to the cart. Calum also assisted while John stood with Angus. “I couldnae bear tae touch him like that, Angus.”

Angus placed a hand on his shoulder, and Charlotte could hear him say, “I understand, friend. Please go to your home. Grieve for your brother. We shall meet again soon.”

John nodded. “Aye, so we shall. There is much tae discuss.” He left the room, and only Angus, Julia, and Charlotte were left. Julia took Angus by the arm.

“Come, brother, we must take you back home to rest. You are looking rather pale. Will you not come with us, Charlotte?” She turned to her cousin expectantly. Charlotte glanced at Angus, but he was turned away from her. Her heart fell. So he would not forgive her for the engagement? But it would surely not occur now, not with Lord Darling in prison?

But she would not beg him. He must not love her enough if he did not wish to fight for her. And so she said to Julia, “I will come and visit another time. I must now help my father and Elizabeth in the aftermath of this. Angus can tell you what has happened, and I will explain further when I arrive.” Julia nodded in understanding, and she and Angus left the Fort.

Soon, Charlotte was alone, and she shivered at the memory of what occurred in the room. The puddle of blood did not escape her notice, and she left its dark presence, feeling dead and heavy inside. She had been freed. Angus was now acquitted of any crime. Lord Darling was going to be in prison, so she would be safe from him. But she had lost Angus.

She laid down upon her bed and, once more, fell into tears, bereft of hope.

* * *

General Andrews returned to the inside of the Fort, after overseeing the men place the body in his provided cart. He felt spent but also invigorated. It was like his shackles had been removed, and he finally saw everything for what it truly was. What a fool he had been! His beautiful and intelligent daughter had tried to tell him. She had tried so hard to pull him out from under the power of Lord Darling’s thumb, but he didn’t listen. Lord Darling was too wise, too powerful, and the menace in his eyes had made him fearful. He didn’t want to endanger Charlotte in any way, and he couldn’t lose the status that he had already made in society, or else Charlotte would suffer.

When Lord Darling had told him that he found Charlotte a man to marry, he was grateful. For such a powerful man who was so high in society would surely choose a perfect man for his daughter. The general’s older brother was a Duke, and he was always sad that Charlotte did not have the status of a Duke’s daughter. So, he had trusted Lord Darling, despite Charlotte’s pleas that he help her get out of it.

Charlotte had changed over the past few weeks. He barely recognized her now. Before they’d come to Scotland, she’d been a vivacious, confident woman who had dazzled everyone that she’d met. There were many men who had planned to make their suit. He could see it in the way they watched Charlotte at all social gatherings. She was beautiful, mesmerizing, and he had allowed her perhaps too much sway in the decisions he made. But after her mother died, she was all he had, and he couldn’t bear to see that smile leave her face.

But then she’d come to Scotland, and something came over her. He’d allowed her to spend time with her cousin, even living at Duart Castle for a time, and he thought that maybe he should not have. But then he saw how her confidence changed to humility. Her beauty remained, of course, but she didn’t seem to use it for her own gain anymore. She was more demure and more conscious of how others felt. Unfortunately, along with what she’d gained, there was a hardness and a sadness to her. While he was happy that she had grown in maturity, he was worried that there was something else deeply wrong.

Was it just the engagement? Or was there something more that troubled her mind? He would endeavor to find out what it was. There was no point in hiding away from it anymore. He needed to go to her and tell her how deeply sorry he was that he had deserted her. He wanted her to be happy, and as he took the steps towards Charlotte’s bedroom, he was resolved to help her find whatever it was that would take her sadness away.

Once that was taken care of, he would deal with that bastard, Lord Darling. There was a lot of work ahead of him, but his inner strength was hardening into power.

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