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A few hours later, while Henrietta was sleeping soundly in one of the castle’s guest bedrooms, the clansmen arrived at Williams’ request, one by one, having hurried over. They were dressed in work clothes, whether it be farming or blacksmithing, for they had not time to change into the Kinnaird colors for the emergency meeting.

They spotted Donald in the corner and gave Jamie confused faces as they sat around the long table. Even Jamie was bloodied and dirty before them. “My good men! Donald Kinnaird is no longer the laird. He was never the real laird. He had faked the documents from the church, and my mother, Lady Kinnaird, has secured the true documents from the old minister that had written them in the first place!”

A sigh of relief fell over the crowd. There had been no love lost between Donald and the men, and all of them had been discussing ways to be rid of him.

“He has betrayed us all, stolen money, and threatened my new bride with marriage to help pay her father’s debts.”

Jamie motioned to Amelia, who had been standing off to the side with Marianne and Fiona.

“But, now, he has been removed from his short lairdship. He will be banished from the clan.”

The whole crowd went up in cheers, and Uncle Barra rushed over to kiss Amelia’s hand, moving as quickly as his large form would take him, “Warm congratulations, lass. Another wise and beautiful Lady Kinnaird tae join us then!” He winked at Fiona and Fiona chuckled. Amelia blushed with the public congratulations and knowledge of her engagement to Jamie. Jamie smiled at her and continued.

“If ye will have me, I want tae continue what I started with the grazing pastures, where we keep everyone on their lands working their fields or doing their business, and yet we still gain money for the clan by shepherding the flock. Do ye say aye or nay?”

There was a pause, and all the men, a sea of red and auburn hair and beards, moved from side to side to check with their neighbors. Jamie felt slightly nervous but calmed himself. Would they fight against his plan? They surely wouldn’t return to Donald as laird. He exchanged glances with Amelia, a line of concern between her eyebrows. Then, there was an uproarious, “Aye!” and a burst of laughter.

One of the men, David, yelled out, “We are only joking, lad! O’ course we want ye back tae do yer duty. Ye have saved us, as other clans have been almost completely wiped out.”

Jamie nodded and smiled, his heart full. He turned to find the painting of his father on the wall, and it almost looked like the old James smiled down at him from on high. Father was proud of son. Then, he turned to find his mother beaming at him, holding hands with Amelia. Yes, this was true happiness.

* * *

A few days later, three strong men carried the old minister in his robes and blanket in a high-backed chair to the front of the church. The other younger minister who had attempted to marry Donald and Amelia had been promptly removed by Jamie after having cowered in a corner when found in his chambers, and they were beginning to advertise for a new one to head up the parish church.

A few days after the battle with Donald and the revelation of his treachery, Fiona had visited the sickly minister and mentioned their dilemma to him after she’d explained their victory over Donald, and he had offered to perform one last marriage ceremony. He had married Fiona and James on a sunny day all those years ago, and now it made sense for him to bring together a new generation of Kinnairds.

Donald had been nursed back to health and returned to the fort. But, he had been removed from the clan, and could never gain money from them or join in any clan meetings.The clan was happy to see him gone, but many hoped Jamie would banish him from Kinnaird land entirely.

William and the other men laid Minister McMillan’s chair gently at the altar of the church, and he tightened his robes about him and brought out his prayer book. He smiled at Jamie and Amelia who stood before him, their hands clasped.

Jamie stood proudly, his small wound barely noticeable know. He wore a coat of wool and waistcoat over a white shirt buttoned to the top with a white cravat. His coat and kilt were in the Kinnaird colors, and his sword hung at his side. His gaze was fixed upon Amelia who stood with a beautiful veil of white cascading over her face and tied back into her blond curls. Her dress was made of a beautiful silk. Fiona had had it made for her by the nearby seamstress, and it was a lovely cream gown with ruffled bodice and covered in lace. It fell to the floor in beautiful waves, and the petticoat showed at the front with a beautiful sheen. The outer dress had white flowers designed on it. The tips of her white shoes peeked out from under the edge demurely.

Her long blond hair had been curled and placed atop her head, and on this day, her lips were pink with anticipation, her eyes as icy blue as ever, and she wore a smile, so pure and clean and happy, that Jamie was nearly brought to tears. Henrietta sat in the audience, fully recovered, and wiped a stray tear from her eyes, holding Fiona’s hand as she did so.

The minister began his speech. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this Congregation, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony…” The whole clan was there as witnesses to the ceremony. Along with Henrietta and Fiona, there was William, Marianne, Jessica, her children, the old shepherd, and the multiple cousins, aunts, and uncles and others that made up the clan.

The minister, despite his age and illness, had a loud clear voice that resonated through the church and filled the hearts of the viewers with emotion. He approached the point of the service where he asked whether Jamie would take Amelia to be his bride: keep her in sickness and health, in poverty and wealth…and Jamie winked at her.

When the minister was done with questioning Jamie, and before he uttered the words, “I do,” he added, “I also take her through debts, honesty and deception, and through bets you knew you were going to lose in the first place.”

He heard a chuckle from William, Marianne, and Fiona in the crowd, and he took a breath, staring into Amelia’s blue eyes, getting lost in them. He repeated, “I do.” And Amelia’s smile grew wider. The minister posed the same question to Amelia and she said, “I take him through anger and stubbornness, and we will not let them get in the way of love.” They both glanced at Jessica, who had tears in her eyes.

“I do, forever and ever.” Amelia had come a long way. First, she thought her heart was stolen by a green-eyed Englishman who had the wealth, the words, and the wit. But, that had not been love. For this love, to a green-eyed Scottish laird, had surpassed all her expectations of what love could be. It was as deep as the sea, and refreshing as a summer breeze, and as beautiful as a day on the Scottish moors. She knew in her core, that Jamie was the one with whom she could spend all her days with. Her new duty was to her husband. And what a duty to love it would be.
