Page 74 of The Blue Path

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"Expert in what?"

"I'm a combat leader and a tracker." She sighed as if annoyed she had to explain it to me. "I mostly teach my men how to fight, but lately, I've been tracking down allies for the King."

"Are you looking for the last marked wolf?" I was curious if she was the one that had found and killed whoever it was.

She shook her head. "No. The King has others doing that. His last tracker was killed in an inn in Stone City. He's not eager to have me far from Ossory and instead has me searching the mountains around here for allies. He feels the wolves staying close to the palace might have an interest in his head." She gave me a knowing smirk. "I guess we'll never know."

"Any chance you can help me find Tzidal?" I asked, hopeful.

"She's with the King."

I jerked at her words. "How do you know?"

"I saw her enter his tent not long ago." She motioned to the large structure at the center of camp. The entrance was just visible through the crowd, and my wolf begged to race to her. I searched out Tzidal through our bond, needing to make sure she was still okay and that that fucker wasn't touching or abusing her.

Just like always, my mate was steady and calm. She was nervous, but her determination thrummed through my veins. It should have calmed me, but it just made me want to get to her faster.

"Calm down, friend." Jonelle placed a hand on my shoulder. I didn't realize I was growling. "You can't race into the King's quarters, or you'll give us all away. Your omega is serving him whiskey. That's all."

"You don't fucking know that," I snapped. I wanted to be calm, but I simply couldn't. My wolf wouldn't allow it.

"His Majesty is known for running off the service staff. It makes sense the first prim-staff was grabbed and shoved in there to serve him."

"What the fuck do you mean 'serve'?" I snarled, my meaning clear.

Jonelle laughed, and I resisted the urge to punch her in her smug face. "The King has no interest in mated omegas." She shook her head as if the joke was more than obvious. "He has a whole harem to tend to his needs."

Jonelle motioned to a small tent with a slight, posh omega standing in the entryway. The small female wore pink and red robes covered in delicate roses. She seemed to be enjoying the way all the alphas shied away from her. I imagined speaking to one of the King's consorts would mean an immediate and very unpleasant punishment.

"Trust me," Jonelle said. "The King has no carnal interest in your omega. He likes his partners to be only touched by him and never mated. He's very particular in that."

Her words should have soothed me, but they had the opposite effect. The King was unhinged, bloodthirsty, and surrounded by wolves desperate to see Byriel on the throne.

And Tzidal was sitting in his den.

The King’s Tent


* * *

The King satin his chair, leaning lazily to one side. "Come here," he commanded Blue, motioning the young omega forward.

Tzidal looked nervous, stepping back and allowing Blue to take her spot next to me. Blue’s eyes widened at the sight of her but thankfully he didn’t say anything.

My sweet omega had been cleaned up—his hair brushed out, bathed, and he wore formal, dark green robes.

It was as if he had been prepared for the slaughter.

Blue's hypnotic eyes met mine, and he gave me a small smile. He had no idea the danger he was in, and it took everything in me to look away from him, not returning his smile or offering any kind of comfort. I didn't want my father to know he meant anything to me.

Tzidal inched backward, tucking herself into the shadows just behind us. Her hand slipped within her robes, and I knew she was reaching for her dagger. It made me feel better knowing she was here to watch over Blue and get him out quickly should my father choose to act like the animal he was.

"My son must think very highly of you," the King said, dragging his eyes up and down Blue's body. My omega bowed his head and clasped his hands in front of him, not saying a word. "He abandoned his people for you, so you must be important."

Barely raising his head, Blue's eyes flickered to me, then immediately back to my father.

"I did not abandon my people for this pup," I said, trying like hell to sound both respectful to my father and disinterested in Blue. "I was simply trying to be kind to a lost omega. I was tracking the wolves that killed Byna and Hida. I lost them, then my direction. I headed for Ossory the second I found my way and stumbled across this youngling in the woods."

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