Page 18 of Love Me Sweet

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I’ve felt arousal before. I know how it feels. I’ve taken the showerhead and placed it between my legs until the warm pleasure spread all over my body.

This is so much bigger than that. These feelings...they are so much stronger than anything I've ever felt before.

"Give it to me, Sapphire," he groans, placing his thumb on the top of my pussy and pressing hard on the spot over my clit, exposing my lower lips more for his mouth. "I need you to give it to me."

His lips brush against my clit a couple of times more before his tongue enters my hole, and I scream. His thumb starts rubbing my clit intensively, his tongue penetrating me deeper at the same time.

And I feel, I if I'm going to explode at any second.

But I can't, it's too much.

"Do it, Sapphire," he commands, slightly pulling away, "now."

He sucks me in again, still massaging my clit with his tongue and squeezing my ass in his palm.

My body tightens even more a second before I feel the explosion.

The bomb erupts inside of me, starting from my center and spreading to my whole body, covering it completely, inch by inch, without leaving a single part unaffected.

The blood rushes in my veins so hard that I feel my heart pounding in my ears.

I don't know how long I scream, grabbing Josh's head with my fingers, digging my nails deeper into his thick, dark hair. He doesn't let go, sucking me inside of his mouth even more after I start shaking. He devours me until I'm shuddering into millions of small pieces that spread over my body.

I don't know how long I have been lying here convulsing, exploding, shaking, falling apart, but through all this time, Josh has been kissing me, stroking my body, brushing his fingers over my skin, and helping me to prolong my release as much as he could.

Chapter Twelve


After my body relaxes completely, Josh carefully takes my legs away from his shoulders and gently places them on the bed. And then he moves higher and lies next to me, covering us both with sheets.

My cheeks are burning, and I have no idea what just happened to me. What’s changed, and who have I turned into? This person, this Kendall who couldn't climax no matter how hard she tried has been replaced with a new woman who has gotten all the pleasure in the world from only one night spent with a man she thought she hated.

I know Josh is looking at me. I can feel his gaze on my skin, even with my eyes shut. I always thought it was my personal ability to feel when Josh was watching me. Even if I didn't see him around, I could still feel his eyes on my skin when he appeared in the room. A cold shiver covered me right away. I always thought it happened because my body wanted to run before Josh could come closer and say something. But what if that happened not out of fear but out of lust?

I'm so afraid to open my eyes that I squeeze them harder than I should, barely breathing out of fear and anticipation of what's going to happen next. I'm waiting for Josh to be the first one to start speaking, to say at least something that would prove I haven't lost my mind, and this was all real.

And no matter how scared I am, I'm totally ready to continue this pleasure.

"Good night, Sapphire," he whispers after a couple of moments in complete silence.

"What do you mean?" I ask, unable to hide my emotions, and I open my eyes involuntarily in surprise.

He chuckles at my words. "I mean, have a nice sleep, Kendall." He stretches out his hand and touches my face, brushing his thumb over my hot cheek.

We stay silent for some time, merely looking into each other's eyes, listening to the thunder outside. My eyes have adjusted to the darkness, and I can see Josh's pupils shimmering in the moonlight as he continues gently stroking my cheek.

We're lying so close to each other that I feel his hot breath on my skin. If this bed wasn't so small, I would suggest that Josh Underwood simply doesn't want me. But that's obviously not true. Even if he decided to pretend so, he can't hide the fact or deny one significant hard truth that is now pressing into my leg.

Josh Underwood is hard, and he is hardfor me. But for some unexplainable reason, he ignores his own needs, continuing to simply stare at me while I lie motionless, afraid to ask what's going on, terrified to ruin this magic between us.

When his thumb touches my lower lip, a quiet moan escapes my throat involuntarily, as if begging for continuation helplessly.

"Sapphire," he whispers right away and moves closer to finally press his lips to mine.

This time, I am prepared, waiting for this kiss. I open my lips right away without thinking twice, in anticipation of what's going to happen next. Because I already know how it feels to kiss Josh Underwood, and I want more. Oh, gosh, I want so much more...

I feel like an addict who knows entirely how dangerous it is but is impatiently taking his dose.

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