Page 11 of Give Me Everything

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For a couple of seconds, we simply stare at each other. I know she doesn't believe me, but she can't say it to my face because she's afraid of what I might say.

That I'm mad because I wanted to see her.

"What are you even doing here?" She asks another question I'm not ready for. "Were you waiting for me?"

"Don't be ridiculous," I chuckle, shaking my head. "I was driving by. I live in this neighborhood, remember?"

Another lie she doesn't believe; I can see that on her face. And no matter how good I am at lying, now when I talk to this girl, I’ve suddenly turned into a toddler who wants to hide that he ate a candy bar before dinner.

"Okay then," she says after a long pause. "Come in, we're gonna discuss Dickens. I guess you've finished it?" She opens the door and gestures, inviting me to come inside.

"I did." I nod, taking a step inside her house.

"Really? A five-hundred-page novel in one night?" She smirks, obviously not believing me.

"Aha," I lie with a smile, "I'm a fast reader."

To be honest, I really have readGreat Expectations, but it was last year, although I didn't want to tell her that because she would have just given me another five-hundred-page novel simply not to agree to swim with me. I was going to read the Cliffs Notes before our next lesson but got distracted trying to figure out why Serena canceled.

"Okay, then we'll have a small test." She smiles at me, closing the door.

I'm screwed.

Chapter Seven


"Stop staring at me," I finally say when I just can't handle Dominic's gaze any longer.

He's been staring at me for the last fifteen minutes, right from the start of the lesson. I thought he was going to stop eventually, but he doesn't.

"I can't," he retorts. "You look so...different." He pauses before pronouncing the last word as if he wanted to say something else but changed his mind.

Did he want to call me beautiful? But is it even possible for a guy like Dominic Astor to find me attractive?

"Why haven't you worn glasses when we studied?" he asks, interrupting my thoughts.

"I...don't like them," I lie, turning my eyes away from him. I never was able to do a good poker face.

"But they are more comfortable than the lenses, aren't they?"

They are, but it's not the point.

"I've been..." I stop, trying to decide whether I should tell him the truth, "bullied in primary school for wearing them."

I finally confess because I wasn't able to come up with a plausible lie. But the truth is I was bullied not only in primary but also in middle and even in high school.

I jump when I feel Dominic's warm palm covering my wrist.

"If anyone ever bullies you, please tell me, okay?" He squeezes my hand in his, brushing his thumb over my fingers.

I feel goosebumps covering my skin, and I force myself to look from our hands to his eyes again.

"Okay," I whisper quietly, barely breathing.

Did Dominic just say he would protect me if someone hurt me, or am I dreaming?

His eyes travel from mine down to my lips, and he licks his own once again. And this time, it's not because I'm biting my lip. And then his gaze goes lower, to my neck and cleavage, making me shudder even more.
