Page 30 of His First Love

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"I don't know," I lie and bite my tongue. Should I tell him right now? Or after the exhibition?

We agreed to never lie to each other. I have to tell him as soon as possible.

"You wanted to do this, didn't you?" Antoine comes closer, stands behind me, and wraps his arms around my waist. "I didn't force you to become a professional photographer. As for me, I'd rather hide you somewhere in the basement, tie you to the bed, and leave you like that forever, so no man could ever see this beauty."

I laugh in response, and he begins to kiss my neck.

So much has changed since we started dating. He proposed to me two weeks after we came back to L'Eden. I told him to wait at least a year to see if he would still want me.

He didn't talk to me for the whole day after that. But we reconciled very quickly. I love how easily he forgets the bad things and remembers the good ones. And the sex after that first fight was terrific. He tied me up and tortured me until I begged for release. And even then, he didn't give it to me. He made me stand on my knees and take him into my mouth before letting me finish. And he watched as I sucked him, swallowing every drop as always.

I feel my panties become wet again when I think about that night. And many more other nights that we've spent together after that. The sex never got boring; it just became even better. Now we know what turns us on the most, and we are pleased to give it to each other almost daily.

Exactly a year later, the same day, Antoine proposed to me again, holding his mom's ring. I couldn't say no. And to be honest, I wanted to agree. I was afraid he would get so offended that he wouldn't propose to me anymore.

But that's not the kind of man my husband is. He's adamant and persistent. If he wants something, he always finds a way to get it.

"We can stay home if you want," he whispers into my ear as I feel his hand on my hip, trying to lift my dress. I feel his hard dick pressing against my lower back.

"It's important to me, and you know that," I say, unable to resist his touches. I can't be late; it's my night, and all of the money from the sold photos will go to a charity for Ukrainian children in need, for those families who suffered from the war.

I force myself to push his hand away, and he growls in displeasure.

"Are you going to make me go to the exhibition with a hard-on?" He frowns.

I laugh and turn to face him for a kiss. As our lips meet, I can no longer resist his touches; my panties are already soaked with need, even though we just had sex a couple of hours ago.

I don't know what this man does to me, but I can never resist him.

"I'm pregnant," I blurt out immediately to make him stop. He freezes for a couple of seconds and then slowly pulls away to look into my eyes.

I had to say it. I don't even know if I'm allowed to have sex; I haven't been to the doctor yet.

"Are you sure?" He looks at me with those huge brown eyes of his.

"I took five tests." I nod, smiling. "And all of them are positive."

"But how? I thought you wanted to wait."

I did. Antoine has asked me for a baby many times. And each time, I’ve told him I was not ready yet. I wanted to learn how to take photos; I wanted to have a honeymoon in the Maldives, and I wanted to dive with dolphins.

And we did. He fulfilled every single one of my dreams. That's why I quit taking pills a couple of months ago. I wanted to fulfillhis dream.

"Are you happy?" I ask when the first wave of shock evaporates from his face.

"You're asking me if I'm happy?" He smiles widely at me. "Cami, I've never been happier."

He grabs me in my arms and starts spinning me across the bathroom.

"I don't have morning sickness yet, but if you make me throw up before my exhibition, I'm gonna kill you," I say playfully as if it's a joke, but not really. I won't be happy if he makes me throw up.

He puts me down right away.

"I love you." He leans in for a kiss. My head is spinning. And then he leans lower and kisses my tummy. "And I love you too, baby girl."

"How do you know it's a girl?" I laugh.

"It is, I'm sure of it. It's Daddy's little princess."

And just like that, we became a real family. Sofia Francesca Le Blanc was born approximately eight months after that night. And she immediately became her daddy's little princess.

Four years after that, I was pregnant with two baby boys. I didn't know it would be so pleasurable to be a mom. If I had known that earlier, I would have agreed right away.

Thomas Frederick and Emille Jaque were naughty since the moment they were born, but they will forever stay Mommy's princes. My family is my fortress, my biggest love, and the reason I live.

And even after everything I've got, I believe my fairy tale isn't over yet. It's just the beginning.
