Page 51 of Keeping Winter

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Starla helps me gather up all my gifts and move them to the bedroom, where they won’t take up precious space as the guests mingle once more.

“I can’t believe you let them buy me sexy underwear and toys,” I say as we step into my room.

Starla laughs. “They loved it! It’s all they’ve been talking about for weeks. I’m pretty sure they started a bet over whose toy you and Gabe will use first and which one you’ll use most.”

“Oh, god,” I mumble, mortified.

“Hey, you’re on your way to becoming an old lady. There’s no modesty in this world, Winter,” she reminds me, her smile playful.

“That’s a fair point.”

“Just be prepared for someone to ask you at the wedding,” Starla warns.

Music comes to life in the other room, and I glance toward the door.

“Sounds like the real fun is about to start,” Starla says. “I hope you don’t mind drunk women passing out on your floor.”

That makes me laugh. “Well, that’s better than anyone thinking they’re going to drive back to Blackmoor tonight.”

“They turn into a bunch of lushes as soon as their men aren’t around.”

“I’m pretty sure they’re like that whether or not the guys are here.”

Starla shrugs. “Fair point.”

We both head out into the other room to witness the ensuing mayhem. Someone’s turned off the living room lights and dimmed those in the kitchen and dining area so the atmosphere is closer to a house party. To my surprise, Mallory, Isabel, and Kimmi seem to be enjoying the rowdy scene. Everyone is dancing as they shout conversations over the noise. I love it. It’s somehow a mix between the college parties I had only started to attend and the holiday dinners the Devil’s Sons would put on at the clubhouse in Blackmoor.

I wish Gabriel were here to see this, and even though he hasn’t been gone for a full day, I miss him. The realization strikes me as funny, considering there was a point in our relationship when I tried to run away from him. Since then, we’ve gone through so much together, and I couldn’t imagine my life without him now.

“This is so much fun!” Mallory shouts, coming up beside me, her white teeth flashing in the newly dimmed lighting.

“I’m so glad you’re having a good time,” I say. I’d been a little nervous to invite my boss, no matter how close I might feel to her. But from the smile on her face, I think I’ll be safe to go to work on Monday without having to do some form of walk of shame.

“Jada was telling me you know all these people from your fiancé’s biker club.”

“Yes, the one he was a part of in Blackmoor.”

“They must really love you to come all this way,” she says knowingly, her rich voice carrying well over the music.

“They must,” I agree. “They’ve done a lot for me since they took me in. I’m fortunate to have met them.”

“All right, bride-to-be!” Max calls over the noise. “I challenge you to a drinking contest.”

I raise my eyebrows at her pointedly, but she shoves a glass with a penis straw into my hand anyway.

“It’s water, and I’ll be racing you with a vodka sprite, so you better beat me,” she insists, sticking her finger in my face.

I laugh and cheers her own glass containing a cock straw.

“Ready, go!” Starla shouts, and we both jump into action, sucking down our drinks.

Raucous laughter surrounds us, and I’m sure we look utterly ridiculous, sucking on straws that make it look like we’re giving our glasses a blowjob. I barely get my drink down before Max, but I do manage it, and I lift my glass in victory as she lets out a frustrated growl.

“Well, you did tell me to win,” I reminded her.

“But I was so close!” she pouts.

It’s around one in the morning when things finally wind down. The Whitfield girls call it a night a bit earlier, heading home around eleven, and slowly, the party starts to die down. Starla and I prepare the guest bedroom as well as the air mattress in the nursery, and several women share each bed. Most everyone has a comfortable place to sleep, and Starla joins me in my room, since Gabe won’t be home until the morning.
