Page 52 of Keeping Winter

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It’s as close to a sleepover as I’ve been since I was a little girl, and I love it. It’s almost like having a sister, and it’s fun to laugh about the night together as we settle in and prepare to sleep. Starla might not be related to me by blood, but in all honesty, she’s far closer to me than any of my family ever was. She’s the sister I’d always wanted, and it makes me so happy.

By the time I close my eyes, I’m so exhausted from the day of fun, I’m asleep before I even know it. And while my sleep is more agitated and restless without Gabriel’s arms around me, it helps to know that tomorrow, he’ll be home again.



I don’t seethe point of a bachelor party, in all honesty.Why would I want to watch a bunch of strippers and maybe get a lapdance when I have a fiery redhead at home begging me to tie her up and fuck her?I haven’t found the slightest interest in the club girls, or any other girl for that matter, since the day Winter walked into my life. Since then, I’ve craved her with every fiber of my being until I know that I went beyond attracted to pretty much obsessed. I was only fortunate enough to discover that she could want me too. And even after I took her as my own, my interest in her has only grown. She’s the one for me, a perfect match to my crazy, and now when I look at other girls, I hardly notice their physical assets. When I do, it’s only with the slightest acknowledgment that guys must find her appealing. But not me.

So today isn’t so much for me when it comes right down to it. I told Dally, Rico, and Knuckles that I didn’t need a bachelor party, but they insisted.

“You spend all your spare time with Winter these days, and before you make it official, we demand to have a night where us guys get to hang out like we used to,” Rico demanded.

So I let them have it. I told them to go crazy. They could plan whatever they wanted, and I would spend the night at the clubhouse so long as they were clear that I would be sleeping in my own bed and no girl would be joining me in it.

But as I walk into the clubhouse, fortified for what I’m sure is going to be a wild night, I already regret my decision.

“Gabriel, hey!” Knuckles shouts, jumping down from a ladder where he was screwing an actual stripper pole into the ceiling.

“What the hell are you doing?” I ask, my eyebrow creeping up.

“Hey, you’re the one who said go crazy,” he reminds me.

“I didn’t mean it literally,” I insist as we come together for a bro hug.

“Yeah, well. You weren’t supposed to show up until everything was in place, and it was too late to complain.” He gives me a rough shove.

“Winter’s bridal party or whatever was about to start. I fled before I got roped into any of the activities those girls might have in mind. I’m already terrified enough of what you boys have planned. I don’t want to see what the girls are gonna do.” I shudder to think of that kind of crazy. Then it strikes me.When did I become such an old man?I used to enjoy parties and watching girls get wild. But knowing Winter’s pregnant and I’m going to be a father seems to have completely altered my perspective.

Knuckles laughs darkly. “Good thing Winter’s pregnant. They can’t make her do anything too off the wall.”

“They better not make her do anything off the wall,” I growl, bristling.

Knuckles’ laughter grows as he shakes his head. “Well, since you’re here early, put yourself to good use. Go ask Shelby for a drink, and bring me one too.” Knuckles then focuses his attention on the floor and the base of the pole.

“That thing better not ruin the new work we just finished on this place,” I demand.

“Oh, don’t worry. Any damage this does won’t be noticeable because I plan on making this a permanent fixture.”

“Hell yeah!” Rico adds, joining us. “Just imagine, instead of doing an open mic night or something, we can have a stripping free-for-all one night a week for the club girls. I’m sure the guys would love that.”

I groan. “Is it just me, or are you guys getting more degenerate as we get older?”

“Nah, they’ve always been that way,” Dally says, coming over and slapping me on the back. “It’s just that now we have a clubhouse of our own, so they think they get to decorate it however they damn well please.” He combs his blond hair back from his eyes, sneering wickedly.

“I thoroughly regret giving you permission to throw me a bachelor party, and it hasn’t even started. I’m going to need something much stronger than beer for this.”

Dallas joins me as we head over to the bar and Shelby.

“Two boilermakers, Shelby,” Dallas requests.

“Starting strong, eh?” she asks with a cheeky smile, the sole dimple on one cheek popping. She pours us each a shot of whiskey and follows it with two bottles of beer.

“To getting married,” Dallas says, holding up his shot, and I cheers him before we slam the whiskey and follow it with a long pull from our bottles of Bud.

As the afternoon transitions into evening, the members of our club start trickling in. A few of the guys even drive up from Blackmoor, which is cool, seeing as it’s a hell of a long distance to come just to party with me. Rico cranks up the music as we play some pool or darts and shoot the shit. They were smart enough to hire extra help for Shelby in the kitchen, too, so burgers and brats are easily on hand.

It seems the main goal of my bachelor party is to get me drunk as shit. When the fourth person in an hour demands I take a celebratory—or condolence—shot with them, I call it quits.
