Page 78 of Keeping Winter

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“That better not mean you’re working evenmorehours,” I scold.

Gabriel chuckles and shakes his head. “Word is getting out about the club. We’ve had a good number of new recruits asking to join. Now that we have a good foundation, I’m trying to keep growth steady, only accept men I really feel are going to make us stronger. But as we grow, we’ll be able to take on more routes, more clients, and more responsibility. And with that will come the money.”

Brigitte releases a soft cry, and Gabriel slows as we turn our attention to our daughter.

“You know, we don’t need more money,” I remind him, scooping Brigitte out of the stroller to check and see if she needs me to change her diaper. “I think we’re all good,” I say, this time referring to whether she needs to be changed, but rather than putting her back in her stroller, I prop her on my hip.

“I know we don’t need the money,” Gabriel says, continuing to push the stroller along as we walk down the park sidewalk. “I just like spoiling my girls, is all,” he says.

Not that we’re overwhelmed with cash flow or anything, but it’s been nice to know the club is doing well enough that we have a decent savings stowed away and even some spare spending money to go out for a nice dinner once a week.

“Dallas still making regular runs to Blackmoor?” I ask casually. I haven’t brought up with Gabe the dynamic I see between his friend and Starla. Honestly, it’s none of my business since Starla hasn’t breathed a word to me in all our conversations over the phone, but I can’t help my curiosity.

Dallas has definitely changed for the better over the last year, and I’m certain Starla has something to do with it.

Gabriel shrugs. “Now and again. Why?” he asks suspiciously.

I laugh. “I just get to thinking about our hometown now and again.”

“You ever miss it?” he asks, his gaze open and kind.

I shake my head, studying him. “No. I’m far happier here. Blackmoor has too many dark memories and too much conflict to feel like much of a home. Do you?”

Gabriel shakes his head too. “My whole life is here. And while Blackmoor was a beautiful town, I feel like Whitfield just really suits us. You know?”

I nod, a smile spreading across my face.

“Plus, it’s been really nice getting to spread my wings, try my hand at running my own club. I wouldn’t have been able to do that in Blackmoor.”

“No?” Somehow, that surprises me.

Gabriel shakes his head. “With the whole upheaval and Jaxon taking over as vice president, he will naturally inherit the club when Mark is gone. And I doubt Jaxon would have picked someone like me to be his second. No, if I had stayed, I would have been stuck as a lackey. One with a good amount of respect—don’t get me wrong. But I can actually put my skills to work here.”

“You make a good president,” I say with pride.

“You have to say that because you’re my wife,” he teases, turning and taking my elbow so he can kiss me.

I laugh. “Maybe, but I’ve seen the way your men look at you, the way they respond to your commands. They respect you. And in less than a year, you’ve really made the business thrive.”

Brigitte gurgles happily from her place on my hip, and I bring her in front of my face. “You’re daddy’s good at his job, isn’t he?” I ask melodically.

Brigitte breaks into an adorable toothless smile, giggling happily.

“Yes, he is. He knows how to take care of business as well as you and Mommy, doesn’t he?”

Brigitte kicks her little booted little feet, seeming oblivious to the cold day since she’s bundled up in a warm onesie. Her shock of black hair, just like her father’s, is starting to come in thick now, and I’m almost certain her eyes are going to be green.

“All right, hand her over,” Gabriel insists. “You’re both looking far too happy. It’s my turn to play.”

Brigitte trades hands willingly, her eyes bright as she takes in the sight of her daddy. She’s going to be a daddy’s girl. I can already see it—the way she snuggles against his chest every time he holds her, resting her cheek at the base of his neck. If we’re ever having a hard time putting her to sleep, I hand her to Gabe, and he takes her out to our front porch swing, where he murmurs to her gently as he rocks her. Without fail, she’s asleep within fifteen minutes.

I can’t say I blame her. There’s something about Gabe that is just so incredibly warm and safe and comforting. It’s funny to think that I feared him at one time in my life. He’s so big and strong and intimidating that I was sure he would hurt me. But as we’ve grown together, I’ve found him capable of a love deeper than anyone I’ve ever known.

Pushing the stroller up to a park bench, I take a seat, and Gabriel follows me, sitting down on its frosty surface so our elbows touch. I’m so filled with happiness, sometimes, it catches me by surprise, and my eyes sting with unshed tears of emotion.

Those tears burn the back of my eyes now, and I sniffle.

“Is something wrong?” Gabriel asks, concern tinging his voice as he turns to me, his intense gaze burning into me.

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