Page 19 of Sub-Divided

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Her eyes flew to his face. Uh-oh, she recognizedthatlook. “Honestly, Max, I’ve been able to go to the bathroom unescorted for some years now!” That came out all wrong because instead of sounding witty, she merely sounded peevish.

“Take all the time you need, mate. We won’t disturb you,” Jim assured them, giving Max a wink.

Josie was infuriated by the unsubtle message, given Dom to Dom, that he understood there was a need for an attitude intervention. Then she relaxed; she could sit through a lecture, Max wouldn’t resort to discipline in another person’s house. Anyway he had no right, this wasn’t sexual, she had the right to behave just as she pleased. She attempted to break free of his hold but gave up when his hand clamped her even closer to his side. Using the swing of his hip he turned them towards the doorway.

“Thanks Jim, this won’t take long.”

She felt herself shifted through to the interior of the house and marched into the living area. He sat on the couch and pulled her unceremoniously over his lap. A squeak escaped her as she landed in shock.

“Max, noo, not here!” she hissed furiously.

“I don’t put up with brattish behavior,” was his brief reply.

She felt his hand land with a clap on her backside. He rained down a few more smacks while she churned crossly, attempting to break free of his clasp.

“Stop it, they’ll hear!” she hissed quietly, relaxing when he stopped spanking. She soon realized it was only in order to lecture her.

“They know full well you are in need of an attitude adjustment. I don’t know what’s got into you but this behavior stops right now. We will talk about this further tonight. Meanwhile, I won’t have you behaving rudely toward people who have gone out of their way to befriend us.”

Before she knew what he was about, he’d ripped her dress up and her panties down. The slaps that peppered her bottom now were hard enough to make her want to cry out. After a couple of rounds she began to yelp, unable to stop as tears filled her eyes and she wept.

Max pulled her upright. “Kick off your panties and give them to me.”

Miserably she did as he asked, handing him the wisp of pink cotton and lace. She groaned as she watched him stuff them into his jeans pocket. His hand cut between her thighs and his thumb entered her furrow.

“Hmm, very wet; naughty girl. Now, you listen to me. There’ll be no more sulks, no more abrupt snarky replies. There are gonna be lots of lovely Josie smiles and appreciation for our hosts or believe me I will have no trouble taking you over my knee and blistering your fanny in front of Jim and Ange. These people live our lifestyle, they won’t blink an eye at watching you getting your butt spanked. Understand?”

She nodded her head. He stood, towering over her. She glared up at him. His eyes narrowed.

“Kneel,” he growled.

It had been months since she’d upheld any position for him. Seeing that determined look in his eye, she quickly scrambled down into position, knees spread wide, palms uppermost placed on her thighs, head bent.

“That’s better, now, eyes on me. It’s obvious to me that you’ve gone too long without discipline. For the rest of the day you will call me Sir, not Max, understood?”

Obediently she raised her eyes to his and nodded meekly. “Yes, Sir.” When he simply stood, staring her down, she shifted uncomfortably. What was he waiting for, what had she forgotten? Then it dawned. “I am sorry, Sir, th-thank you for correcting me.”

“Okay, you’re forgiven. Follow me outside and no more brattish behavior.” He turned and left the room, expecting her to follow him.

She scrambled to her feet, for once forgetting the grace required when playing. “Max? I mean, Sir?”

He stopped.

“I need the bathroom.”

He nodded. “Okay, I’ll see you outside then.”

“Yes, Sir.” She watched him go. A delicious quiver ran down her spine. God, she loved it when he went into full Masterful Dom mode.

Josie hurried to the bathroom. Fully aroused she slipped her fingers into her cleft and stroked her clit—she didn’t intend to come but she was so turned on. Her raised nubbin pulsed with waves of pleasure as she fondled it, and instantly she rocked into an explosive orgasm. Afterwards she leaned against the bathroom wall, panting. Would he know?Go figure, of course he would, this was Max. He made it his mission in life to learn her body’s ways; uncannily, he knew when her period was due often before she did.

He’d certainly recognize the telltale signs of her ecstasy all too easily. Quickly she peed, washed her hands and splashed her face, dried her hands. She needed to hurry before he became suspicious and came looking for her.

When she skidded into the kitchen Ange was there fetching desserts from the fridge. She handed Josie a cheesecake that she carried out onto the terrace.

Instead of the quick orgasm giving Josie relief, her libido etched higher every second with the knowledge she wassanspanties. She tried to ignore the fact they were in Max’s pocket but without success. She wondered if he could smell her high-octane arousal. She giggled inanely and chattered nonstop drivel for the rest of the afternoon, feeling utter relief when he finally suggested it was time to leave. She had cleverly managed her conversation so that she had no need to refer to him as ‘Sir’ once.

They walked back home in silence. She kept giving him covert assessing glances. They arrived at the house.
