Page 37 of Needing Daddy

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“Daddy, will you help too?” Penny turned to David. His look of surprise jogged her memory. David wasn’t her daddy. Not yet at any rate. “Umm...” She was at a loss for words to explain herfaux-pas. How could she have forgotten?

“Hey, I’d love to help.” His soft reply and ready grin put a smile on her face. Together they placed one foot each on the pedal and the whirring machine went into action. In no time at all Pawlette was a plump and curvy bunny.

“Feet off the pedal, please. There you go, try her out for cuddles.”

Penny took the proffered rabbit and hugged her.

“Does she need more stuffing?” the assistant asked.

Penny shook her head. Her bunny felt perfect.

“So now we come to the heart. Are you certain about no scent?”

Penny nodded. The woman picked up a heart and handed it to David.

“Place it on your forehead to give your heart your thoughts and then rub it on your tummy to give it the taste of the food you love.”

David gamely followed instructions as Penny watched, delighted that he played along. Finally he held it against his own heart to set the beat and kissed it. He held it out to her and she pressed her lips against it too.

“Make a wish,” the woman instructed.

Penny closed her eyes and wished with every fibre of her being that David would love her, marry her, and remain her daddy forever.

“Wow, that looked like some intense wish,” David commented with a quirk of the lips.

“You’re laughing at me!” she said indignantly.

“Honey, I’m not. I think it’s real cute. I love this place, we’ll come again.”

“Is this your first visit?” the assistant asked.

“Yes, but it seems that Penny knows the store quite well.”

“You just answered my next question, sir. So your name is Penny?”

She nodded. “Yeah.”

“Right, next thing is to take the heart and push it inside Pawlette as deep as you can.”

Taking the rabbit, Penny pushed the heart where she wanted it to be, situated on the left side of the bunny’s chest area. The woman took back Pawlette and laced up the back of the toy.

“Now we need to go and scan the label to make her birth certificate. Have you decided on her name yet?”

“It’s definitely Mopsy,” Penny replied.

When the paperwork was completed, the assistant tried to get them to buy clothes for Mopsy, but Penny firmly declined, insisting any outfit would detract from her cuddly softness. Stuffies were for cuddling. She had dolls for outfitting. As she made the statement she recalled that she had no dolls here. Looking at David, she brightened. If all went to plan she would soon have everything she needed to be happy again.

* * *

When they reached thecar, she turned and stood on tiptoe, placing a chaste kiss on David’s face. “Thank you,” she said simply.

“It was my pleasure. I want to take you for lunch, we need to talk.”

“That sounds bad.” She frowned.

“No.” He chuckled. “I have a proposition I want to run by you.”

Her heart sank. Was he talking about investment again?
