Page 70 of Needing Daddy

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The burn built across her buttocks. She was nearing the point of real discomfort when the blows halted.

“That’s enough for now; it is your honeymoon night after all.”

She mewled.

“One day soon I’ll spank you until you come; I’m sure you could.”

Oh, I am so pleased we’re of the same mind...

“Mmm,” she murmured, unable to speak since the trail of his fingers down into the cleft of her buttocks held her attention.

“I shall take you in every hole tonight. There won’t be a part of you I don’t claim. By morning you will know who you belong to, in body and soul. Not another David, butthisDavid. Your husband, until death do us part.”

His words moved her, tears of happiness blinded her, but before they could fall, his hand slipped to her clit. The distraction had the desired effect, and instantly dried her tears. David played with her until she was close to another orgasm. Gently he eased her over onto her back and placed himself between her thighs.

At the first swipe of his tongue along her slick cleft, she sighed. Lazily he explored her entrance and labia, occasionally flicking her clit. Soft moans escaped her throat as he darted his tongue inside her. Slipping his hands under her, he clutched her heated globes; the warmth from her spanking morphed to her apex, turning to desire. “David!” she cried.

His teeth grazed her clit and her body spasmed, shattering into sparkling shards. She shuddered as a second wave tumbled her into another powerful orgasm. Limp, she could have easily dozed off. Next thing she knew he was pressed against her length, naked. His erect cock lay heavy against her apex. She shifted her legs apart, welcoming this David into her body for the first time as her husband.

With infinite tenderness he penetrated her slowly, inch by inch; the gradual stretch accommodated his thick girth. Her slick channel rippled about him, every nerve alight to his entrance.

“Mine,” he whispered.

“Yours,” she breathed.

He lifted his hips and sank deep within her, thrusting at a pace that fanned the fire of her lust.

Joined once more with David, her daddy and husband, the love of her life, her joy mingled with deep ecstasy, the whole combusted into a white-hot furnace of release.

“I love you,” he rumbled against her ear as the last vestiges of her pleasure ebbed away.

“I love you too,” she gasped. His shout of completion drowned her out.

He curled an arm about her, and shifted, hooking her onto his chest.

Cupping his face between her hands, she pressed her lips to his. “I love you. I want you to know I’ll travel with you wherever you go. I can work as a designer anywhere; besides, I want to design furniture for littles, like I did in my world.”

“This is your world too, Penny-pie. I take it this is your way of telling me you’re happy to move to New York?”

“Yes, Daddy, but what about Honey?”

“I’m sure your sister will care for her for six months, and if we decide to make our lives in the U.S, then we will fetch her over to live there with us. After all, she is a part of our family.”

“I have told you I love you, haven’t I, Daddy?”

“Yes, but I’ll never tire of hearing those words on your lips, baby girl. I love you so very much, my precious little wife.” He lowered his lips to hers.

Before her senses became too befuddled for thought, Penny reasoned it would be unlikely that she and the other Penny would fly simultaneously again, but if the worst happened, and they did swap lives for a second time, at least they would each have their daddy, David, to love and care for them.
