Page 3 of Step Monster

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What in the actual fuck?

“Maybe Trevor could go out to the woods with you after dinner,” Mom suggested, her tone casual but her gaze locked on me as if watching for my reaction.

“I don’t need a babysitter,” I snapped, hoping I sounded more angry than scared. I didn’t want to run around the woods with Trevor. It was going to be hard enough to avoid him in the house, I didn’t need to spend more time with him outside of it. “Besides, he doesn’t even have to shift, why would he want to traipse around after me all night?”

“I don’t mind,” Trevor admitted with a shrug. “It’s always fun to shift on a full moon and run around.”

“Fun?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

There was nothing fun about shifting. Even on the few occasions I’d managed to keep my wits about me, it was still painful and weird. I hated every second of it. The only good part was that unlike the movies, I was only forced to shift on the actual night of the full moon, and not the nights before and after. I wasn’t sure I’d have survived if I spent three nights a month furry instead of just the one.

I’d been told that once I managed to gain control of the beast inside of me, I wouldn’t have to shift at all. But with the way my beast burst out of me at sunset on full moon nights, I couldn’t imagine ever having that strength to fight it off.

“Yeah,” Trevor insisted. “We can chase rabbits and maybe I could help you with your control.”

“You want me to chase rabbits?” I raised an eyebrow at him, and he chuckled, holding his hands up defensively.

“Or not,” he said. “I’m just saying, if you let me, I could show you a good time tonight.”

Heat crept up my neck and my cheeks and I ducked my head, staring down at my plate as I prayed no one had seen the blush I knew was lighting my face at his words.

Oh, I had no doubt Trevor could show me a good time. But that hadn’t been what he meant. It couldn’t have been…right?

I glanced up after a minute, once my cheeks had cooled again, only to find Trevor staring at me. His pupils had widened and there was a hard set to his jaw, though I didn’t know if he was angry with me or if maybe hehadmeant his words in a carnal way and had noticed my reaction to them.

“I think you should consider it,” Mom said, clearly oblivious to the shift in demeanor between Trevor and me. “It might be good for you.”

“Whatever,” I answered with a shrug, lowering my gaze again as I pushed potatoes around my plate, no longer interested in eating.

“That’s wonderful,” Devan said happily as he pulled out his phone. “I’ll let Colton know.”

“I thought you didn’t need a babysitter,” Trevor teased.

I flicked a glare toward him, but he just gave me that sexy, irritating as hell smirk he’d given me at the meeting.

“I don’t,” I assured him. “Colton takes all the newer shifters out every month.”

“How many are there?” Trevor asked, his lips curving down slightly at the corners.

“There are about a dozen who live here,” I answered with a shrug. “Another couple dozen drive in for meetings and the shift.”

My voice sounded calm and pretty non-chalant, but inside I was very chalant…in fact, I was seething. It seemed like every month more and more shifters ended up in Fayshore. Which meant that these rogues were increasing the number of attacks. It was terrifying to think that there were monsters out there who wanted to inflict this kind of damage on innocent people.

Then again, there were plenty of humans out there doing terrible things to each other, too. So maybe it shouldn’t have been so shocking.

“Does anyone know what the rogue shifters are trying to accomplish?” Trevor asked, turning wide eyes to his dad.

“Not really,” Devan answered sadly. “And we don’t even know how many rogues are out there. It could be just a few, or it could be a small army. We’ve had an influx of panthers.” He paused to give me a soft smile. “But there are a few wolves and bears that have come to us as well.”

“This is nuts,” Trevor said, shaking his head.

“It is,” Mom agreed. “But there are monsters all over the country trying to find these rogue shifters and bring them to justice. For now, all we can do is help the people affected.”

People like me.

“I better start cleaning up,” I said, getting to my feet and grabbing my plate. “I need to head out soon.”

“I’ll help,” Trevor offered, standing as well.
