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"It is all right. I am just in shock that Isabella could have created this situation. She had completely deceived me on so many levels and I feel like even if I had proposed to her and there had been no letter to stop it, she still would have lied that her father was forcing her to marry Lord Westworth anyway.” It seemed he was also quite shaken by the things Isabella had said.

"If I had waited all that time, not knowing she had orchestrated the whole thing, I would have married her and who knows what would have happened when we got older. Maybe she would have decided that I was not what she wanted anymore and would have gone after younger, more interesting men to entertain herself," he continued. "I am shaken by all that I have heard. I do not believe I was prepared for all that I uncovered today."

"It turns out that the mistake that brought us together was what saved us both," Caroline said, smiling at him and he nodded, returning her smile as he kissed her.

"I missed you so much, Caroline. I have not been able to sleep without you," Alexander said, sighing deeply as he went back to kissing her. He kissed down her jaw to her neck, murmuring sweet nothings as he did so.

"I missed you too, so very much, Alexander," Caroline moaned.

"Let me show you how much I missed you," he said as he undid the laces of her dress. When she was completely naked, he stood staring at her in wonder and bent to place a kiss on her still flat belly. “It is such a wonder to think that our baby is growing in here.”

He got back up on his feet and undid his clothes until he was as naked as she was, his hardness a testimony of how much he had missed her. Caroline did not know how much she had missed this until that moment as a hunger rose in her like never before. She sat at the edge of the chair and spread her legs apart, her wetness evident for him to see. She was not ashamed, but instead welcomed his roaming eyes that held the same hunger she knew was in hers.

"I need you, Alexander," she said as she beckoned on him to come to her. She moaned loudly as he entered her, not caring who heard. She was broughtto tears as Alexander moved inside her by how much she missed him and how she had almost let him go.

"Caroline, my Caroline," Alexander ground out, with every stroke. Caroline felt the beginning of her orgasm as it flowed through her hard and fast. She screamed out his name, tightening around him as he cursed and pumped into her until he was completely spent.

The two stayed like that for a while, content with simply being together in that moment. Caroline yawned and wrapped her arms around him, laying her head on his chest. "I love you," she whispered, smiling when his heart beat a little faster before he responded.

"I love you, my darling Caroline." He placed a kiss on her forehead and Caroline fell asleep with a smile on her face.


Caroline stretched and sighed feeling relaxed as she stared into the distance from her spot in the garden. She was glad that her pregnancy did not stop her from being able to enjoy the garden. Luckily, the earthy smell did not make her feel sick. There were so many beautiful colors all around her and they helped soothe her senses.

She liked to sit out in the garden whenever she felt she needed a break from the confines of her room. She had had to reduce her strolls and put a pause to her gardening which she found she enjoyed because it seemed to agitate Alexander. If it were up to him alone, she would only leave the bed to carry out the necessary essentials that made up everyday living.

The thought of her husband made her smile brightly. It had been over two weeks since Isabella left the house in embarrassment after her ploy to destroy their marriage had been brought to light and the two had found solace at last, lost in love for themselves and their unborn child. She touched her hands to her stomach at the thought, marveling at how something yet unseen could evoke such strong feelings.

Alexander had always treated her with respect and care since the two came to talking terms, but now he was nothing short of a saint. She was always moved, yet unsurprised, at the tender way he treated her now. She had seen a tiny glimpse of it when he had found Baldwin here with her, the first time she met the elderly man, but now it was out in full force and while she sometimes wished he would relax, it made her smile to think that she had ended up with a man who had all the qualities she wanted, despite their rocky beginning.

It was a quiet afternoon, and the sun was beginning to shine too bright for Caroline's preference, so she stood from her seat and made her way back into the house.

"You are back inside. Did you need something? I can help," Mrs. Beagle asked, hurrying toward her.

Caroline rolled her eyes as she fought to keep down her smile. It had been like this since the household found out. Despite her constant reassurance that they did not need to do everything for her, they never listened. "No, Mrs. Beagle. I just wanted to get away from the sun. You do know you shan’t abandon whatever it is you are on about when you see me, do you not?"

"You are the Lady of the house, and it is our duty to get you whatever you need," Mrs. Beagle said as she curtsied and went back to what she had been doing.

Caroline shook her head at the retreating figure and continued up to her room. She passed by Alexander's study on her way but chose not to disturb him when she saw how intense he looked as he pored over some pages. The two of them had not left the house since she returned, choosing instead to spend the weeks in each other's company. Not that Alexander would let her leave anyway. He had turned into a nervous man overnight, constantly fearing that anything could happen and always wanting to be around her. She was glad that he finally decided to take care of business.

Caroline felt guilty as she laughed when she remembered how panicked he had been a few days ago when he saw her getting dressed in her riding clothes.

"Are you going somewhere?" he had asked her innocently.

"Yes, Ann and I are going for a ride in the park," she said, unaware that she had set him in a panicky state.

"Pardon?" She looked up in surprise at his sudden outburst, to see his eyes bulging out his head. "You cannot ride in your condition. What if something happens to you and our baby?"

"Alex, I do not think it is dangerous to go o—"

"You do not think it is dangerous? Of course, it is. You cannot ride, please." Caroline started to get irritated, but he continued speaking. "What am I to do if something happened to you? I only just got you back and I cannot afford to lose you again."

Caroline felt her heart melt at his words. She had not been thinking of how worried he would be. Especially since she had not invited him to go with her, even though she doubted that would help.

"Alright, I am sorry to have worried you so much, I did not think of it that way. I will send a message to Ann and cancel," she had finally conceded, standing in front of him as the words left her mouth. She had kissed him then, and it ended up spiraling into something more.

She had looked up at him with questioning eyes. "My beautiful love," he had ground out, his jaw clenching from the effort it took him to speak. "I know you must think me mad, but we cannot make love now. I do not want to do anything that might harm the baby."
