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She was floored, there were still so many months to go before she would deliver. Did that mean he would not be touching her until after she put to bed?

Alexander had caressed her cheeks and lifted her head, before he kissed her deeply. "Do not worry, my love. I will not leave you unsatisfied," he said, proceeding to please her with his fingers and mouth until she came multiple times.

A knock startled her out of her thoughts and Caroline felt the blush rise up her face when she saw her husband with his head on the doorpost and his knuckles poised to knock again. His knowing grin made her blush even harder because of the direction her thoughts had gone. He climbed into bed and held her in his arms, massaging her scalp as he hummed a lovely tune she did not know.

"Did you enjoy your time outside?" he asked casually.

"Yes, I did, you know I love the garden. I would have spent the whole day there serenaded by birds, but the sun became too bright,” she said. Alexander hummed in response, clearly content with listening to her.

"Why did you not come to get me?" he asked her after some time spent in silence.

"You were very focused on your work, and I did not want to disturb you." She smiled when he took her fingers in his and pressed a kiss to each of them, playing with them. Bliss.

"I wish you had called me. I figured you would want to enjoy solace in your garden which was why I decided to work instead of joining you.” Alexander propped himself up on his elbows. “Now, what were you thinking about when I walked in that caused you to blush?"

"No—nothing, I was not thinking of anything." Her blush returned with a vengeance and Caroline buried her face in his chest when he laughed at the sight. She was not shy. While she was not a wanton woman, she considered herself to be knowledgeable in sexual affairs now, and she certainly enjoyed every moment she spent in bed with Alexander, so it baffled her why she was suddenly unable to tell him what she had been thinking.

"I was thinking of the last time you touched me," she said suddenly, shocking herself as she had not meant to utter those words. She looked up at his shocked face and was suddenly glad she did. "I was thinking that I would very much like to do it again."

Now that she had uttered the words, she was filled with the same boldness she had felt the last time. She took his hand that was wrapped around her body and pulled it away from her and then she got up to her knees and straddled him.

Alexander lay still, a challenging look in his eyes that fueled her boldness as she ran her hands from his shoulders down to his abdomen where she comfortably sat, and back up, moving toward him with the speed her hand moved along his body. Caroline pressed a kiss on his neck, following the map from his strong jawline to his cheek, his eyelids, his nose, and then his lips. She paused before she kissed his lips, taking the opportunity to look at him, now that he had his eyes closed. His expression was that of someone content and she was glad to be the one who brought him contentment.

She kissed his lips finally, encouraged when his hands found her back and he pressed her closer to him.

A sudden knock on the door caused them to part as they glanced at each other wondering who it could be.

" I will be right back." Alexander got up and opened the door as Caroline plopped back on the bed, her eyes closed as she waited for her husband to return to bed. The bedroom door closed, and she looked to see him with a letter in hand.

"It is a letter from my parents," he said as he tore it open. His eyes scanned through the page while Caroline waited for him to finish and tell her what it said. "They have invited us, along with your family to have dinner with them, tonight."

Caroline was excited to finally leave the house but the frown on Alexander's face caused her to pause. "What is the matter? Do you not want to spend time with your family?" she asked him.

"It is not that I do not want to spend time with them, but I just do not think you should be walking around in your condition," Alexander said, looking so worried.

"It is not a condition, my love. I am with child, not sick. I do not think a carriage ride to your parents' home will hurt me or the baby."

"You do not know that. You have never been pregnant before. What if I send a letter to them and tell them to come here for dinner instead? I can have the cook prepare a meal and it will be the same," Alexander said.

Caroline laughed when he suggested that. She had come to terms with the fact that he was a protective man. "No, Alexander. I do not want to have dinner here. I love our private time together, but I want to move around. I feel somewhat restless, and I believe dinner at your parents' is exactly what I need."

She watched him think, the frown still on his lips and a deep worry in his eyes. "Let us go tonight. You know I will have to stay indoors as I grow bigger. I need to move around before I cannot do that anymore," she finished.

Alexander sighed and nodded. "Fine, but if you feel any sort of way, let me know and I will bring you home immediately," he acquiesced and sat down when she said she was fine with that.

"Now where were we?" he grinned, making her laugh.


The evening had arrived, and the two of them set out for theMannfield residence. They had taken twice as long to get there because Alexander had instructed Brunswick to travel at a slow pace so as not to injure her in any way. Her bottom hurt and her legs were numb from sitting in one position for so long, but she didn't want to bother him or have him tell the coachman to turn around and take them home. They arrived later than everyone else but in time for dinner.

"Ah, Alex and Caroline, lovely of you to join us," his mother said, moving to kiss them both.

"Mother, father, I apologize for our lateness, but I needed to make sure Caroline was alright to make the journey," Alexander said. Caroline rolled her eyes behind him, refraining from saying anything.

"Yes, the baby. Caroline, how are you coming along? We would have visited you, but Alexander told us you both needed the time alone. Congratulations my dear, we cannot wait to meet our grandchild," Elizabeth said, taking hold of her husband's hand as she spoke.

"Thank you, I am so thrilled. I hope you will come visit me often, do not mind him," she smiled, gesturing toward Alexander. He and Henry had moved away to have a silent conversation.
