Page 12 of Rekindled Love

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Maybe her phone died? I called and went straight to voicemail. Odd.

I got dressed, and headed to the restaurant. Camilla was supposed to meet me there. Arriving a little early, I went to our table and waited.

“Sir, would you like to see our wine list while you are waiting?” The waitress asked.

“No, thank you.”

It was now six forty-five and still no sign of her. Had she changed her mind? Maybe she was stuck at work, it happens. I called her cell again and it went straight to voicemail. Her phone was off, so she wasn’t just avoiding me, which made me feel a little better. I couldn’t get mad at her, my job has made me stand up plenty of women in the past because of it’s schedule. A deep sigh erupted from my chest, and I looked around for my waitress.

“Ma’am?” I put my hand up so she could see me. “I’m ready.”

As she walked over to the table, her smile dimmed. “Is you’re guest not going to be joining you?”

“Stuck at work. The lawyer lifestyle. I’ll have a steak, medium well, with potatoes and corn please.”

“Of course, sir. Would you like to see our wine list?”

“Not tonight. Definitely next time.”

My thoughts were I was already here and starving. So I might as well take advantage of their amazing food. Camilla was a great woman, and I wasn’t going to let this come in between us. If anyone understood the importance of a crazy job, it was me. For the first couple of years, it bothered me, always having to cancel plans with my friends and girlfriends at the time, but it comes with the territory. Whoever ended up being my wife would have to understand that.

My phone chimed, and I immediately picked it up hoping to see Camilla’s name.

Jonathan: How’s the date going, bro? First dates are a make it or break it. Don’t screw up this one.

Me: First date and she didn’t come. Bro, I got stood up. She probably got caught up at work or something.

Jonathan: I’ve seen the way she looks at you. No way she stood you up on purpose. She has a crazy schedule just like you. Comes with the territory.

Me: Believe me, I know. Can’t get butt hurt about it.

Jonathan: Wanna meet up for a beer across the street?

Me: Wouldn’t miss it. See you there in 15

After finishing my delicious steak, I headed across the street to Bill’s Pub. It was our drinking spot since we finished college. It was an older pub, an oak bar with only ten working stools to sit on. I made my way to the end of the bar to take a seat next to Jonathan.

“Hey bro.”

“What took you so long?”

“I couldn’t leave until I finished that steak. It’s a crime to waste a perfectly good steak.” I looked at him, seriously, and then bursted out laughing. “No, serious though, I was starving.”

The bartender put two small napkins down, “what can I get ya, fellas?”

“Two Bud Lights.” Jonathan answered and the bartender nodded.

“So, I feel like we ain’t really talked much since the party. What’s going on?”

I shook my head, “you know the drill. Work, sleep, repeat. I’ve been trying to get to know the adult version of Camilla. That women is something special.”

The bartender sat our beers down, and Jonathan handed him eight bucks.

Jonathan understood me, especially since we were roommates in college. We both had many girls over in the four years we lived together.

“I know you’ve talked about her before. That night, I didn’t realize that was the same girl. Crazy she moved back. I guess there’s a reason you stayed single.”

I couldn’t say that. Single life was better for me. Plus, I had never met a woman that made me want to pursue more of a committed relationship. Sure, I picked girls up every once in a while. A guy’s got needs, but always told me beforehand that it wasn’t going to turn into anything serious.

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