Page 13 of Rekindled Love

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“My schedule’s the reason I’m still single. How can you commit to someone that you only see for an hour before you go to bed every night?”

“Well you could always stop helping out in the ER. You make enough money from the practice, anyway.”

He was right, but I liked working in the ER. It kept my skills active every day. I got to perform surgeries, work on some interesting procedures. I don’t know if I could give that up just yet.”

“Well, guess it’s up to you, but if you push her away this time... it’s all on you buddy.”


ISTILL HAVEN’T HEARDfrom Camilla since she missed dinner last night and I was starting to get worried. Maybe, she changed her mind about me, which only made it conjure up crazy ideas of what could have gone wrong.

I snatched my keys up to head to her house when my phone went off and I ran towards it. I smiled when her name appeared on my screen.

“Hey, stranger,” I answered.

“I’m extremely sorry. I just received your texts. I turned my cell phone off to give my case undivided attention.”

Thank god. She didn’t mean to blow me off. This made me ease up. “That’s good to hear. I was starting to get concerned. To be honest, I was fixing to make a house visit to ensure you were okay.” I heard her laugh which made me smile wider. Her chuckle was so adorable, but I needed her to know how serious I was. “It’s funny and all since you’re fine, but I was concerned. Even Abigail hadn’t heard from ya.”

“You called Abigail?” She replied, stunned.

“Well yeah, after not being able to reach you yesterday and this morning, I did. I’m sorry, like I said I was frightened.” Hopefully, she wasn’t upset about it. “So, can we reschedule dinner? If that’s okay with you, of course. Tonight, maybe?”

“Of course. I’ll see ya in an hour.” She chuckled and hung up.

An hour? Holy crap, I wasn’t prepared for that answer. I secured no reservations, but I bet the restaurant could squeeze us in. I called the restaurant and spoke with the host, “I made a reservation for two a couple of days ago and wasn’t able to make it. Is there a reservation spot open tonight?” I asked the host on the phone.

“Lucky for you, we have one available in about two hours. I’ll pencil you in.” She said, before hanging up the phone.

Alright, so now I needed to figure out what to do for an hour after picking her up. Everything was so much better planned earlier this week since I wanted our first date to be perfect. Camilla deserved the best.

I threw on a pair of my favorite dark jeans and a blue button. I couldn’t help but wonder what she’d be wearing tonight? It didn’t matter to me because she looked drop-dead gorgeous no matter what she wore. I just wanted to be with her. I needed to leave soon but my stomach was in knots. I’ve been around her so many times. I started buttoning up my shirt, fuck. Somehow I keep skipping buttons. I've been around this girl many times. Calm down.

Me: Date’s back on tonight.

Jonathan: Knock em dead, tiger.
