Page 15 of Rekindled Love

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I pointed over in front of my house, “I remember when we were fourteen. We got out of the pool, and my hair was going crazy. You stroked it out of my eyes. I hoped you’d kiss me.”

He smiled, “It would’ve happened if it wasn’t for our parents.”

Our futures could have been changed in that very moment if he would have just taken that leap of faith.

Chapter 7


There were many greatmemories of us as kids, we had each other’s backs for the most part since we were small children. As most do, towards high school, we drifted apart. It was expected when you get to that age, especially looking back on it now. Once she rejected me, we didn’t see each other much. For a little while, she hurt my ego so I steered clear of her. That didn’t mean I didn’t protect her from afar.

Throughout our adolescent years, we both offered many hints that we liked each other, but neither of us wanted to go for it at the time. Typical teenagers. It wasn’t like she didn’t receive attention from other guys. My friends always talked about how pretty she was, and how she filled out over the summer.

Even then, I always stuck up for her in the locker room when guys said they’d slept with her. Camilla didn’t lose her virginity until she was a senior in high school. Even though, I wished it was with me, but it wasn’t. It was that asshole Matt Standridge. He swooped in right after she rejected me, and coaxed her into thinking he was the perfect guy for her. She fell for it for a while, but eventually learned it was all an act. After she gave it up, he went looking for another girl to score.

Camilla was the one person who knew everything about me, flaws and dreams. She liked me for who I was, and I should’ve never let her get away. I shook my head, thinking about all the times I could have asked her out, but never had the guts too.Idiot.

Bringing her back here was a brilliant idea. We reminisced about old times and the crazy stuff we did, while staring at our houses.. If it wasn’t dark, I’d take her down back behind the houses to that old pasture. We used to lay there and watch the sunset every weekend. The way the stars sparkled in her eyes, only made me fall more in love with her. I pointed at the front porch, “Do you remember the day I moved away?”

She nodded her head, “I noticed your dad packing things into the car. When I asked him where you were going, he told me it was none of my business.”

“Sounds about right. You know how my dad is.”

My dad was an asshole, and didn’t want anyone getting close to me of fear that I would tell someone about the abuse.

“I waited outside for an hour for you to leave so I could say goodbye.”

“What a goodbye it was.” I said, thinking back to that day. The look on her face when she thought she’d never see me again. Her arms held me close for so long. It seemed like she didn’t want to let go.

As seniors, we reconnected a little closer to graduation, talking about college. We both had big dreams, and neither wanted to hold the other one back. We both kept our mouths shut and went on to build our future.

We possessed many memories on this street together. Hell, we could’ve shared our first kiss. Why didn’t I make the move? It always seemed easier looking back. I guess that’s why everyone always says do it, so you don’t look back asking what if? There were so many regrets I had back then, but Camilla was the biggest one. I knew from the day she moved next to me, she was my soul mate.

We’ve been apart the last ten years, but she was still the same cute girl that gave me the courage to ride my bike without training wheels. If she would let me, I’d treat her like a queen.

My life outside of being a doctor had no purpose. I came home to an empty bed, and had no one to share my nights with. Often before Camilla moved back, I’d find myself dreaming about her, where she would be now, and what she looked like grown up. When I saw her from across the room at Abigail’s, it was nothing like I expected. There was a chance that I could finally be with my soul mate. I wasn’t giving up my shot.
