Page 17 of Rekindled Love

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The helmets have Bluetooth so we could talk to each other during the ride. Since this was my first time on a motorcycle, I wasn’t sure what to expect. My hands were getting sweaty and it was harder to hold on to his jacket for comfort.

Once we started going, my hair was whipping in the wind. How fast were we going? The dashboard showed only forty-five miles per hour. The road seemed smooth. I took in the beauty of the season.

As we rode, the fluttering leaves tumbled down. It’s a spectacular view to witness the transformation of the leaves being so colorful and vibrant. I heard the leaves crunching as we rode over them. The breathtaking scenery and seeing all the rustic ramshackle barns and animals caused me to appreciate nature. Aggressive crows were everywhere even with the scarecrows up.

The sun was sinking, and the sky was amber.

“You remember our sunset meetings?”

He pulled over, and put the kickstand down.

“Of course, I do. Kinda what I had in mind tonight.” Sebastian opened the hiding spot under the seat, and grabbed a blanket. “Let’s enjoy the view.”

Sunsets were beautiful around here, and it would be even better to spend it with him once again, just like old times.

“So, what’s your biggest regret in life?” He asked me, his eyes gazing into mine. I wanted to look away, but I couldn’t.

“Not running away with you when we had the chance.” Right before Sebastian moved away, things got worse. His father had broken his mom’s arm and leg for not having dinner ready when he got home. The poor woman had cancer, and had been going through chemo and all he cared about was a home cooked meal. That night, he snuck out and went down to the pasture, but my window was across from his, so I caught him.

“Whatta think you’re doing, young man?” I playfully asked him.

“Need some time away. I can’t stand being here anymore.”

We walked hand in hand down to our spot, and just laid there for hours. It was silent for the most part until he asked if I would run away with him.

“Me? Run away?”

At that point, my father was still alive, and as a police officer he would have found me in a heartbeat. I was lucky enough not to have problems at home like him.

“Yeah, we can run away together. Never come back to this town. Be free to live our lives the way we want. You know, away from our parents.”

I wanted so badly to kiss him then too, but I refrained. “I know it’s getting worse with your dad. Why don’t you tell someone? Your mom can get protection from him. Don’t you think that would be better? Your mom needs you.”

His chest rose and fell, as my head laid upon it as he played with my hair. “That was our last night together. You know, as kids.”

“What’s yours?”

“Not killing my father when I had the chance.”

He didn’t even move while saying that, which meant he was being serious. “What chance? What’re you talking about?”

“Well, at a young age I knew where my dad hid his guns. One night, he was beating up my mom so badly, I thought she might not make it out alive, so I went and got one of his guns. Held it up, just like I was going to shoot him. Told him to leave my mom alone. He just laughed at me, then pistol whipped me with it.”

The sadness in his eyes made me pity him and feel terrible. His childhood was awful, but I was glad I could be there to help make it better. Who knows what would have happened if I hadn’t moved next to him.

I got chills after the wind started howling and I overheard a hoot of an owl. “Maybe it’s time we head back.”

On the ride back, I clutched on to him tightly, never wanting to let him go again. He had endured so much, and still turned out to be a perfect gentleman. You don’t see that everyday.

As we pulled into my driveway, he asked, “So how was your first experience?”

“It was fun. The scenery was beautiful, but it wasn’t as bumpy as I imagined.”

“Well, I’m glad. I don’t get to take anyone out much on my bike. I love riding. It encourages you to enjoy the landscape and scenery a little bit more than being in a car I think.” He replied, putting up the kickstand, and taking off his helmet. His hair was all messed up, but I imagined that’s exactly what it would like after a night of wild sex.

“Well, I had a great time. Probably time for us to get some sleep. See you soon.” I said, turning my back to him to head inside, convincing myself not to look back.

Tonight was perfect, and so was he. Everything I ever wanted in a man was Sebastian. The only thing he didn’t check off on my list was being good in bed, but by my estimation that will be happening soon enough.
