Page 28 of Rekindled Love

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“I’d like to see his personal items so I can reach out to his mother. Do you have them?”

The nurse was sweet, and handed me his cell phone watching me carefully.

“Is this Sebastian’s mom?” I asked.

“Yes, who is this?”

“One of Sebastian’s close friends. Calling to inform you he’s in the hospital because of a motorcycle wreck. Lakeview. Room 302.”

She didn’t respond, but I could hear her sobbing. “Is he going to be okay?”

“Lots of damage done to him because of the wreck. Broken arm, leg, and three ribs but we’re optimistic he’ll wake up.”

The phone rattled on her end, like she was rushing around a room, and then her voice appeared again. “I’ll try to find a ride. I don’t have a car.” As she ends the sentence, you could hear the desperation to see her son in her shaky voice.

“Let me see if Jonathan can’t swing by and pick you up on their way up here today.” I couldn’t imagine what she could be going through having her child in the hospital.

“I’d take an UBER, but can’t afford it, dear. If he could pick me up, that would be fine.” Her voice had calmed a bit.

“Thank you, ma’am.” I said, handing his cell phone back to the nurse.

I called Jonathan.

“Everything okay?” He asked, sounding like I woke him up.

“Still the same, but on your way up here, can you pick up Sebastian’s mom? You wouldn’t happen to know where she lives, would you?”

“Yeah, I’ve been over there a couple of times. I’ll get up and move around. See ya in thirty.”

I took my spot back next to him, his hand entwined with mine. “You know, I think we have a real good shot as being the next Noah and Allie. They spent time apart and came back stronger than ever. You probably have no clue who that is, but it’s the couple from the Notebook. One day, we’ll watch it together when you get outta here.” I wiped the tears away, “you know, when I left for college, it doesn’t mean I stopped thinking about you. There were many times I wondered where you were at and what you were doing. I knew you were destined for greatness.”

Seeing him hooked up to machines wasn’t something I’d ever want to witness again. He had to be okay. Why would fate bring us back together only to rip him away from me?

“How’s he doing?” Sebastian’s mom asked, walking into the room.

“He’s still not conscious.” I said, picking his hand up in mine. “But I’m trying to remain positive. The world just wouldn’t be the same without him.”

I stood up so she could sit down next to her son.

“We’ll leave you two alone for a moment,” I said as I gestured to Abigail and Jonathan waiting right outside the room.

There were three chairs outside, and we reconvened there while eating the sausage biscuits Abigail got from the cafeteria.

“I figured you were starving. There’s no way you were going to leave his side to go get food,” she said.

A loud audible gasp came from inside the room.

We rushed inside.

“What’s going on? Do I need to get the doctor?” I asked.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. Sebastian’s eyes were open. His beautiful eyes that I never thought I’d see again. I closed my eyes and looked to the ceiling, mouthingthank you.

His mom’s face was lit up, “Baby, I’m here. I’m right here.”

Sebastian looked around the room, “What’s going on? Where am I?” As he tried to sit up, he winced, grabbing his ribs. “What happened?”

“It’s okay, honey. You were in an accident.” She said, patting his legs. “Don’t move too fast, you might get light headed.”

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