Page 62 of Rekindled Love

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I pulled her in close and started kissing her neck, but she didn’t seem into it. “Something wrong?”

“I’d rather be in that big bed.”

I couldn’t disagree. Who wouldn’t want to enjoy having their significant other around twenty-four seven while they could. When we go back, we have to get things settled and head off to Africa for three months.

We headed back to the hotel to enjoy our last night of our honeymoon cuddled up, and just enjoying each other’s company.

The flight back felt too short, because we were back in the real world.

“How was work, baby?” I asked.

“It was work. I wish I were lying on the beach again,” she said to me with a smile.

“I definitely agree. We are going to have to go back very soon,” I said.

I was excited for the journey that we would be going on together. There was a whole other country and culture that we would get to be a part of and learn about while we were there.

I had one week to say goodbye to my friends, and get everything ready here for us to be gone. I couldn’t believe we were doing this. We wanted to get everything settled before we left since we were unsure of when we would be back. We were both really excited about this trip. It was going to change our lives forever.

“Honey, I’ve gotten everything settled, and officially ready to leave. I’m most excited about... see you doing what you love and knowing that you are truly happy doing it,” Camilla told me as I laid down.

“Me too. I got all my patients referred to another pediatrician, and we leave tomorrow. I said goodbye to Jonathan, and everything is handled while we’re away. They’ll watch over the house.”

This was it. We were going to be getting on a plane tomorrow for Africa, and we wouldn’t be back for at least three months. We had everything in place. My gut told me she would love it there. I had always wanted to live in a different country and experience the way they lived. What’s better than doing it with the girl of my dreams.

“I love you. I’ll follow you to the ends of the world and back. I’ll never be without you again,” she said before falling asleep on my chest.

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