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One of the times I love watching her the most is when she thinks no one is looking. Like right now. She’s browsing the little antique store with Mom while Dad and I search nearby. But my eyes can’t locate much other than her.

Last night when Mom asked me why Josie was leaving in such a hurry, I couldn’t tell her everything. All I could say was that I needed to stop her. Because something felt final about it. Like if she left the little bubble of the B&B, the place where we finally gave in to our desires, the place we finally admitted to each other that we wanted to be together, that would all be lost. I feared she would get back home and completely close off the idea of us. Andusis the only idea I want to entertain.

Last night when she stayed with me was even better than the one before, because when we woke up this morning together, I knew it wouldn’t be the last time I’d have her in my bed. And damn it, I can’t wait to get her home and do it all over again.

Making my way to her, I wrap my arm around her lower back and pull her to me to give her a tender kiss. She kisses me back, but I sense her hesitation when she glances over to where my parents are shopping. And while they’re giving us our space, they’d made it clear this morning at breakfast that they knew we’d come to our senses sooner or later. But Josie is still adjusting to the concept of PDA in front of them.

We shop for a bit longer before making our way to the last gas station before we get on the interstate. Josie is inside grabbing some snacks and waters while I fill up the gas tank. Dropping into the driver’s seat, I watch as she slips in on the passenger side. That alone, her agreeing to let me drive for a change says more than anything.

Leaning over, I plant a lingering kiss on her… milking it as long as she’ll allow. Finally, she pulls away to say, “We’re never gonna get home at this rate.”

“We’ll get there eventually. Together.”

A sexy smirk rises on her face as she gives me a frustrated groan. “Yeah. Well, I need to be at pottery on Wednesday, so we do have somewhat of a schedule to keep, whether you like it or not.”

“Yes, ma’am. That I can handle.”

We’re on the highway, she’s flipping through the songs on the radio when she asks, “When is your truck gonna be ready?”

This could be bad, but I have to. “It’s done already.”

Her finger hovers over the screen as she looks to me with a bit of confusion. “I thought the part wouldn’t be in for a while?”

Here we go. “You’re not the only liar on this road trip.”

The phone slaps against her thigh as her arms drop to her lap. “Really. Was it ever even broken?”

“Yep. It was. But the repairs were finished up a few days ago.” I glance over and see that my explanation will need some softening because she’s not looking all that pleased with me right now. I should probably be used to it by now. “I wanted a chance to be around you. Even the times we’re arguing are better than the times you avoid me. So, I figured this way you’d be stuck with me.”

“Yeah. Great plan.” Her scorn is thick, but her smile overcomes it when she shakes her head.

“Yep. Stuck for sure.”

“Yeah. And all you had to do was hold me hostage on a road trip.”

I reach over, grab her hand, and place a soft kiss on her knuckles. “Desperate times called for desperate measures. Although, I don’t recall any hesitation or lack of willingness to participate when you were riding me this morning.”

She pulls her hand out of mine long enough to give me a playful slap on the shoulder, but I catch her hand in mine and interlock our fingers, giving them another peck before resting our hands together on the console.
