Page 145 of The Endowment Effect

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Self-control not being her strong suit, especially when in Wayward, she bent her arm behind her back and graced the stalwart assistant with her middle finger as she breezed by.

Lucas closed the door behind her.

“Was that necessary?”

“What?” she asked, batting her eyes.

“I have enough problems with my assistant, I don’t need you adding to them.”

She waved her hand in front of her. “That was nothing. Harmless banter.”

“Some might call it a lewd gesture,” he countered as she took in his office, noticing a mangled heap in the corner of the room.

“What is that?” she asked, staring at the monstrosity.

“That, used to be one of my prized possessions, second to my truck.”

She eyed him warily. “It appears to have been a chair in its previous life.”

“Not just any chair. A chair that was once owned by none other than Hiram Rhodes Revels, of Mississippi. The first African American to be elected to the United States Senate.” Dropping the folder on his desk, he added, “Prior to its demise, I had it appraised. It was valued at over eight thousand dollars.”

She walked over to the mangled heap and then turned toward him and couldn’t deny how delectable he looked with his hands resting on his hips, opening up his suit jacket, as he mourned the demolished piece of history.

“Why is it here and not perched on a house-sized pile at the local dump?”

“I keep it here as a reminder. A reminder of what happens when you hold something too dear, with far more value than it deserves,” he said with a trace of melancholy.

Somehow, that sounded like a personal criticism targeted more toward her than his lack of judgment.

“How did it happen?” she asked, looking about the office for an explanation on how the destroyed relic came to be.

“Trust me. It’s a long story. By the way, Cindy Wahim gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy the other day.”

‘Oh yeah? That’s wonderful. She and Wallis must hold theGuinness Book of World Recordsfor the longest, most-committed relationship ever. Or at least in Wayward.”

He nodded. “They are a match made in heaven. In a world where the vast majority are made in Taiwan. Cheap and disposable.”

She smiled, despite his cynical perspective. Remembering when Grant mentioned how he used this logical, albeit twisted, reasoning as a coping mechanism.

He laid the folder on his desk. “She’s decided to be a stay-at-home mom.”

“Who’s going to take Cindy’s place as city manager?”

He held the folder up. “As of this morning, I have a unanimous vote from the City Council to fill the position with Maynard Timmons.”

Birdie nodded with an approving smile. “I’ve always liked Maynard. I remember him in high school. He was so earnest and hardworking, on top of having a good heart. Great choice.”

Maynard was always nice to her. Of course, he was gay and hadn’t come out yet during high school, maybe not even to himself. She had wondered if he had been kind to her because he had his own personal battles to fight. Perhaps saw in her another lost soul trying to find a place in a small town in which to fit.

Lucas leaned against his desk and crossed his ankles in front of him.

“So, what can I do for you? Is this about my argument with Mia?”

Birdie couldn’t help but compare the polished man before her, ever the gentleman. Patient. Reserved. Accommodating.

Unlike the man he was when they were in private and he was ordering her to strip.

Today, even though he was wearing a shirt, he looked so edible in his dark navy suit and white starched open-collared shirt, that if swooning were a thing, she would be flat on the floor with Lilith waving smelling salts under her nose.
