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She was just grateful the townspeople were being kind to her beautiful, wonderful, too-smart-for-her-own-good daughter. Everyone appearing curious, but polite.


The news of the mayor of their fine town discovering he had a secret anti-love child from a woman of such ill repute, must have risen to the tippy-top of the most salacious gossip to grace the small town of Wayward.

Right up there with said mayor getting roofied by said woman.

Her phone rang, and she grumbled, lifting her chin as she answered as Lucas bent over to open the first can of paint, giving her the perfect view of firm buttocks and the waistband of his boxers.

“Birdie Shepherd,” she said into the phone distractedly.

“Top o’ the mornin’, lass.”

“Scottie-Man.” She grinned at the voice of her dear friend. “How’re things going with the move?”

“No so goot.”

Lucas began to stir the paint and she licked her bottom lip as he laughed at something Grant said from the ladder about Lucas’s never-ending fan club.

“Are ye there, lass?”

“Oh, yes. Sorry. What’s the problem?”

“The wee flat is no goanna be ready soon.”

“What? Why?”

“Roaches,” Angus said, dramatically rolling his r’s.

She reared back in her chair. “Oh, God.”

“No be afeard lass, the landlaird’s been sprayin’ away. But, whilst sprayin’, he ‘appened on a rodent infestation.”

Her eyes widened. “So, when you say rodents, do you mean those cute baby raccoons wearing bandit masks and drinking out of milk jugs from the garbage cans?”

“Rrrats,” he said, again with the freaking rolling r’s.

She pinched the bridge of her nose.

“What else could go wrong?”

“Of all ills, nane is best.”

“Angus, now’s not the time for your prophetic shite.”

Then she stopped to think. Where exactly had he been sleeping?

“Angus MacGavin. Have you been sleeping in your vehicle?”


“That’s not even remotely acceptable. Or safe.”

“When ye doanae ‘ave a choice, ye doanae ‘ave a problem. ‘Specially considerin’ I broke the flat lease.”

“You… What? Why would you do that?”

“It was a decision forced upon me by the laird.”
