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“Let me get this straight. The landlord forced you to break the lease?” She asked skeptically.

“Aye, right after I punched the eejit.”

“Why would you punch the landlord?”

“He bestowed upon me a slur,” he said as if that explained everything.

She stared at the ceiling and then held her hand to her forehead. “What did he call you?”


Birdie had seen enough episodes ofOutlander,the more graphic ones a few times, to catch the translation.

“He called you an Englishman? That’s why you hit him?”

“I was fair scunnered.”

“Scunnered? What the hell does that mean?” She sucked in. “Were you drunk?”

“Nay, demmed fed up.”

She was going to strangle him.

“You do realize that assaulting a man is illegal. Oh, and that we’re homeless?”


“Which means we Have. No. Home.”


She heaved a sigh. Trying to think while a panty-melting, torso-sweating man, wearing nothing but hip-hugging jeans and work boots, unrolled a drop cloth while an exuberant Mia chattered nonstop.

Focus, Birdie.

“Okay, here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to get in your car and drive south for a really long time, to Wayward.”

“Weel we no pass a’noother?”

She watched Mia dip her brush into the paint can while Lucas demonstrated how to slide the bristles against the side.

“It doesn’t look like we’re leaving any time soon. Mia is… happy.” Her throat clogged with a strange mixture of relief and fear.

Angus tone softened. “That’s a goot thing, no?”

Birdie clutched her throat with one hand at the question.

“I hope so. I… I can’t lose her, Angus.”

“Och, freckles are just God’s kisses.”

She rubbed her eyes. “Again, no idea what that means.”

“It means, there’s no fer yae to woorry aboot.” Angus always had a way of seeing the bright side of everything. With the exception of name-calling landlords. Maybe that’s what she needed. Objectivity and a positive attitude. Maybe losing the Duxbury apartment wasn’t such a bad thing.

Dipping her head, she added, “Drive to Wayward and we’ll figure out next steps. I miss you and I need someone to talk to. This place is… hard for me.”

“Say no more, lass.”
