Page 18 of Summer Chances

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I groggily come to with Jade’s soft snores in my ears. Her pliant body wedged between the back of the couch and my side. It’s a miracle I didn’t fall off the couch and crack my head open on the coffee table on the way down.

Maybe that would have done me some good.

I have no idea what I’m doing here. Normally, at the first sign of emotions, that’s my cue to make a run for it. And tears? Oh, hell no!

With Jade, I don’t feel that panicky urge to run. I wasn’t lying when I said I sucked at offering comfort. It’s not something that I’m familiar with either on the giving or receiving end of things. The sight of her tears almost brought me to my knees. My heart felt like it was crumpling in my chest. Taking her into my arms seemed natural. More importantly, it felt right.

Like laying here with her feels right. Sure, my arm pinned under her has gone numb and my back’s going to be tweaked after sleeping on this horrid couch. And I would do it all again in a heartbeat.

Jade stirs, and I press a kiss to her hair, loving the texture of the silky strands. Closing my eyes, I breathe in the sweet scent of apricots, knowing I’ll never be able to eat one again without thinking of her.

Her knee knocks into my groin, pain radiating through me, and it’s all I can do not to shout as I try to curl up to protect my dick and balls from further abuse.

“Baxter! Are you okay?” Jade struggles to get up off me and, in the process, her elbow digs into my stomach.

“Hold still!” I wheeze, eyes squeezed tight.

Thankfully, she listens, her pointy elbow easing off me.

Blowing out a deep breath, I open my eyes and stare up at her. “Baby, are you trying to kill me?”

She looks horrified at my weak joke. “I would never! And baby?” Her nose scrunches and she shakes her head, sending her brown hair lashing into my face.

I try to muster up a smile. “I thought you would like that. You know, the movie and all.”

Snorting, she carefully moves back from me and slides over my legs to stand up. “No, that’s just dreadful. I could do without nicknames.” Her head cocks and she holds her hand out to help me up. “Though I could call you Bax.”

Grasping her hand, I ease to a sitting position, not quite ready to stand due to the throbbing in my privates. “Ehhh… I prefer Baxter. I like my name coming from your lips.”

Jade looks away, but not before I catch her pleased smile. She sits down on the couch next to me and I angle myself to better see her.

I take her hands in mine, rubbing at her pulse points with my thumbs. “Okay, so no nicknames.” A look into her deep brown eyes steadies me and I continue. “Saying you’re different from the women I’ve dated in the past is a good thing. What’s between us is new for the both of us. We don’t know each other that well and I want to change that.”

Her eyes blaze into mine. “I’d like that.”

Relief surges through me, along with a sense of purpose. I’d like nothing more for us to linger here together and explore our new developing relationship. That won’t help me keep my vow of helping her enjoy the resort, though, if we stay in her cabin all day. “But now we need to get moving because I entered us into the canoe races at ten.” A glance at my watch confirms my fears. “And we have twenty minutes to get there.”

“You what?” she asks, her hands jerking back from mine.

Shrugging, I can’t help teasing her a little. “You wanted to do activities, and I thought that would be fun. How was I to know we’d take a little nap after breakfast.”

“You’re serious?”

My customary smirk returns. “I normally am. Go get your swimsuit and a towel. I’ll clean up this mess.”

She sits staring at me and I have a bad moment where I start to stress that maybe I misread her entirely when a huge grin spreads across her face. “Okay!” Smoothly, she hops up from the couch and dashes into the bedroom.

I get up much slower and with a low, pained groan. Maybe the canoe race wasn’t the best of ideas.


Later, when Jade and I are squishing and squashing our way back to our cabins, I’m definitely thinking it was a mistake. We’re drenched, my muscles are screaming, I think I got sunburn on my nose and neck, and even worse we came in last place.

“Those jerks were cheating!” I huff, bypassing Jade’s cabin in favor of my own.
