Page 19 of Summer Chances

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“All of them?”

“Yes! All of them.”

She laughs. “I never would have thought you would be such a sore loser.”

I come to a halt in the middle of the path, uncaring of the couple whose way I just blocked, forcing them to edge around me. “I’m not a sore loser. I’m an outraged victim.”

That really sets her off, and she doubles over laughing. Since she’s holding my hand, she pulls me with her. I hiss back a curse when my spine cracks and lets out a series of dull sounding pops.

Jade did great with paddling. Me? I admit my efforts were far clumsier and I may have had us going in a circle once or twice. But clearly, we crossed that line first. Even if it was downstream from everyone else.

“Poor baby,” she coos, trying to turn us back toward her cabin. “Let’s get you some muscle rub and aloe vera.”

I refuse to be pacified and hold my ground. “I thought we weren’t doing nicknames?”

Her shoulders lift and fall in a fast shrug. “It slipped out. And besides, you’re acting like an overgrown one. Stop pouting. We lost. It happens, and it was still fun.”

“It was fun,” I admit. Even being wet, sore, and sunburned, I wouldn’t trade this for anything simply because we did it together.

“Muscle rub later. We’re going to soak our aches away in the hot tub.”

“Oh, I don’t feel like going up to the pool area,” Jade says.

“We’re not. My cabin has a hot tub.”

Jade makes no further protests, not even when I completely strip before sinking into the blissfully hot water of the hot tub.

I’m tired and sore, all that is still true. When Jade peels off her black one-piece swimsuit, my attention stirs, as does my cock.

A small moan slips out of Jade when she lowers herself into the water. “I don’t even want to ask how much this cabin cost compared to mine.”

“Probably best you don’t,” I say, trying not to look guilty. I don’t have a clue. When my ex wanted to go, Melvin booked it for us. Right, wrong, or indifferent, I leave most of my finances to be handled by him. It’s his job, and he does it well. Other than the occasional harp about my attitude, he’s a good manager and I appreciate the time he’s dedicated to me. And seeing it was at his urging that I even took this trip and got to meet Jade, I owe him big. Perhaps some Lakers tickets are in order.

“What’s it like being a director and working with all those movie stars?”

“Stressful, exhilarating, and soul suckingly exhausting.”

I can tell by her face she’s trying to decide if I’m being serious or not.

Scooting closer, my shoulder rubs against hers and I find her hand under the water, threading our fingers together. “I loved it, once upon a time, and I suppose I still do. Problem is, I’m thirty-eight, and I feel burned out. I don’t see myself doing this when I’m fifty or sixty. I haven’t taken on a new project in over a year because nothing speaks to me. My manager is shitting himself because he’s used to films being lined up, schedules to manage and travel arrangements to set. Instead, I have him doing paperwork and fielding phone calls.”

I laugh. “Actually, he has assistants that do all that for him, but he whines to me about it like he’s actually doing it.”

Jade chuckles and I feel her other hand on my thigh, rubbing gently.

I bring the hand I’m holding to my mouth, raining kisses on her knuckles. “Confession time. I’m not here because of a bad breakup- at least not over a woman. I’m here because my creative vision seems to have deserted me.”

Her hand tightens on my thigh. “But I thought…”

“I know, and I’m sorry if I mislead you.” I press her fingers to my mouth and hold them there, silently watching her.

“No, it’s okay. It’s just… why are you doing things with me? I thought we were doing this to get over our exes together.”

“I’m doing this because of you,” I say simply. “I like you, Jade. I’m attracted to you and want you to be happy and enjoy this trip that means so much to you.”

The last word is barely out of my mouth when Jade lunges for me, her sudden movement causing water to slap at the side of the tub and splash over the edge in a small waterfall. Her mouth crashes into mine, her tongue hot and insistent as she kisses me.

Her knees straddle me, her bare pussy rubbing along the length of my cock and nearly driving me insane.

Cupping her face, I can’t get enough of her mouth and her taste. It’s so easy to lose myself in the wonder of being with her.

So I do.
