Page 3 of Ours

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Christian had taught her how to ski when she was seventeen. Tallin and Riley had teased her mercilessly over the fact that she was so old and lived so close to the mountains and had never learned.

Big mountains and the fear of avalanches—as silly as that was to believe—cemented her belief that it was better to stay in town. They had talked her into it, though.

Her three big, strong boys had told her they would protect her.

And they had. They always had.

She grabbed her purse and got out of the car. She needed to pick up a few things since she had no idea how long she intended to stay in town.

Her parents had moved to a warmer climate a few years back, but fortunately they hadn’t sold their cabin. That was where she planned on staying for her indefinite time in Burkett.

The grocery store’s double doors slid open, and she stepped inside. Half the town was shopping since the weather had predicted a massive snowstorm to hit later this week.

She saw several faces she recognized and a lot that were new. It was the busy time in Burkett, the skiing excellent this time of year and bringing hordes of tourists to the area.

“Well, if that isn’t Lilly Hawthorn.”

She turned around and smiled widely. David Masterson was several years older than she was and had acted more like a big brother than a neighborhood friend.

His dark hair was prematurely graying, and wrinkles had started forming at the corners of his baby blue eyes.

“Davie Masterson, how’ve you been?”

They embraced, mindful of standing in the center of the produce section as people shopped.

“Good, and you? Haven’t seen you in what? Three years?”

She adjusted the little red basket on her arm. “Yeah, long time. How are Dani and the kids?”

“They’re doing real good. Dani is pregnant again.”

“What is that? Number four?”

His cheeks became red, and he broke into a full grin. “Yup, fourth time’s the charm. Three little girls and now we’re finally getting that boy.”

“Congratulations. That’s wonderful, Davie.”

“You know you’re the only one who still calls me that.”

“I guess old habits die hard.” She closed her eyes and instantly regretted her words. She opened them and stared back into his face.

He appeared so serious all of a sudden and ushered her to the side. “So, I assume you’re here for Christian’s funeral? How are you handling everything? Are you doing okay? I know you were close.”

She stared idly at the rows of lettuce. The automatic sprinklers came on, sending a mist into the air. “I could be better.” He wrapped her in another hug, and she sighed, knowing now was not the time to cry.

“Have you seen Tallin and Riley yet?”

“No. I’m headed over there later tonight, after I get settled in.” She pulled away from him and looked into his eyes.

“Have you been keeping contact with them these last three years?” he asked.

“Here and there, but we’ve all been busy.” She swallowed past her emotions. “I just talked to Christian a week ago.”

Empathy covered his face. “I am so sorry.”

She shrugged and steeled her emotions. “That’s life, I guess. Have you seen them? Are they doing okay?”

He ran his hand over his hair and glanced around uneasily. “I haven’t seen them since … well, since the accident. No one has actually. They have been keeping to themselves.”

Tallin and Riley had cabins in the mountains, no more than a mile apart, and she suddenly became so stricken, knowing their emotions must be weighing on them heavily.

Before she had moved to Denver, the four of them had always spent time at Riley’s house. She had so many wonderful memories in that house.

“Well, listen, I have to finish getting supplies for the storm, but we should get together later on, after…”

She knew where they would see each other, Christian’s funeral. She nodded almost absently, and they hugged again.

She watched him walk away, sighing as she continued her shopping and trying to keep her mind on more pleasant things—things that wouldn’t make her break down in the middle of the grocery store.
