Page 34 of Ours

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Coming full circle

Lilly opened her eyes to the sound of a phone ringing. She didn’t move for a moment, and when the ringing stopped she tried to go back to sleep.

A second later, the phone rang again, and she rubbed her eyes. She glanced at the clock, noticing that she’d slept for three hours, and that she was alone in the spare bedroom. The bed beside her was chilled when she ran her hand over it, and she glanced at the open bedroom door.

The ringing was coming from Riley’s study. She threw the covers off, but grabbed the lightweight throw that was on the end of the bed, wrapping it around her body. She went into the office, not knowing if she should answer or not, but deciding it wouldn’t hurt.

Picking up the phone, she leaned her hip against the desk. “Hello?”

“Hey, baby.” Tallin’s deep voice came through the phone, and she smiled, her pussy instantly becoming wet.

“Hey.” The images from her night with him filled her head, and then images of her and Riley filled her head. Riley had known she’d slept with Tallin. Did Riley tell Tallin that they’d been together, too?

“I’m still in town, and Riley wanted me to give you a call and let you know he had an emergency at the clinic, but that he’d be home later.”


“Did I wake you, baby?”

“Yes, but that’s okay, I needed to get up anyway.” She grabbed her clothes off the floor and balanced the phone between her ear and shoulder as she dropped the throw and got dressed.

She wanted to talk to them about everything, but she wasn’t about to do that over the phone. If they were going to go through with it—the three of them together—they needed to sit down, face-to-face, and discuss this.

“So when will you be back? Did Riley say when he’d be back?” She was surprised at how normal things felt after what she’d done with them. She hadn’t spoken to Tallin since they’d been intimate, and even though she thought it would be awkward, she was happy it wasn’t. “I can make us lunch, or an early dinner?”

“That’s all right, baby. I already ate in town. I’m not sure when I’ll be back though, and who knows when Riley will be home. The storm has already started moving through, so I’m trying to get more supplies.”

She’d only thought of going back to her cabin once since she’d been at Riley’s, and honestly had no desire to leave them, even if she could have made it down the mountain and back into town.

“Be safe. I wouldn’t want you to get stuck out there in the storm.” She’d heard on the radio this second storm was supposed to be worse than the previous one.

“I’ll be safe. Stay inside and keep warm, and we’ll be home as soon as possible.” There was a beat of silence, just the sound of their breathing filling the dead air.

“I have no intention of going outside.” She could hear Tallin speaking with someone in his deep, commanding voice. Her nipples beaded up in arousal at the sound, at his dominance. Then the background noise faded and she only heard Tallin’s even breathing.

“I miss you, Lilly.”

She smiled, her heart clenching. “I miss you, too, Tallin,” she whispered. “We have a lot to talk about when you two get home.”

“Yeah, we do, and I’m looking forward to that, baby.”

She smiled even though he couldn’t see her. She was looking forward to that conversation, too.

“I love you.”

“I love you, too, baby. Everything will be the way it’s supposed to be.”

She knew Tallin spoke the truth, but she did hope things would work out as perfectly as she envisioned them to.
