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Heat rose in my chest as jealousy flared. I didn’t want him touching her. I wanted her to myself.

I took a step back, surprised by my reaction. I’d never cared which girls Zach fucked. Neither of us let girls stick around long enough to get attached. We’d passed off girls to each other enough times to have an understanding. When you had as much money as we did and you carried theObscuraname, things came easy. Even girls.

Zach opened the top of the globe, revealing the liquor and glasses inside.

“That’s really cool,” Raven said. “Right out of a movie.”

“Want a drink?” Zach asked, lifting a bottle of brown liquor.

“It’s like ten in the morning,” she said. “Besides, I’d rather have something else to wear.”

Zach set the bottle back down and closed the top. I took the opportunity to head to my room and grab an oversized gym shirt. It would probably fit her like a dress.

When I returned, Raven was giggling at something Zach said. Rage twisted my gut, and I threw the shirt at Zach, harder than I should have.

“What the fuck?” He caught it but nearly lost his balance. “Was that necessary?”

“We have things to do,” I said. “We can get her excused for a while, but we don’t have time for you to take her to your bedroom right now.”

“Nobody is taking me to their bedroom, you get that right?” Raven grabbed the shirt out of Zach’s hands and marched down the hall.

As soon as she was out of sight, Zach stomped over to me. “What the hell, Mr. Cockblock?”

“Did you ever think about the fact that I saw her first?” I asked.

“So that’s what this is about,” he said. “Well, she thinks you’re a pig and she hates you so you have no shot. Why fuck it up for me?”

“You think you’re going to have a shot if she hates someone who wears the same face?” I asked.

“How about you stop trying to decide who will get to fuck me and start being gentlemen who realize it’s not your choice. I don’t know what kind of women you’re used to but you can’t do this to people. It’s wrong.”

Her words made me feel like I’d been slapped in the face. I knew I wouldn’t have said that if I thought she was back in the room. I wasn’t good with people I wasn’t paying and Raven wasn’t one of the usual girls who would throw themselves at us.

“I’m sorry, Raven,” Zach said. “It won’t happen again.”

“I’m sorry, too,” I said.

“Look at that, maybe there is hope for both of you,” she said. “As my class partners. Not as bedroom partners. Because that, boys, is never going to happen.”

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