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Kaiden:I need you.

Three little wordsthat would have meant the world before last night. I was still staring at Kaiden’s message when Poppy crept into my room. It was early, too early. But I’d barely slept.

“Hey,” she tiptoed across the room and ducked under the covers with me. “So how was last night?”

“It was okay I guess.” I shrugged.

“What? That can’t be right. You were with Kaiden. Didn’t you two, you know, do it?” She pinned me with a knowing smirk. “Spill. I want details. All the glorious details.”

“No, we didn’t do it. Oh my God, Poppy. And even if we did, I wouldn’t be telling you about it.”

“What? Why not?” She had the audacity to look disappointed. “I’m your sister. I need to know these things.”

“It’s private.” My cheeks burned remembering just how close we came to crossing that line last night. How good Kaiden had felt pressed up against me.

Only for it to all blow up in my face.

“It’s only sex, Lil,” she said, misreading my expression. “We all do it eventually.”

My brows knitted as I studied her face. “You haven’t—”

“God, no. Can you imagine if Dad found out I was having sex at sixteen?” She shuddered. “But me and Aaron do have a sex pact.”

“A what now?” I spluttered. This was news to me.

“Yeah. If we haven’t lost our v-cards by the time we’re both eighteen, we’ll help each other out.”

“You’ll…help each other out. Wow, okay. I really don’t know what to say to that. I mean I love Aaron, he’s practically family. But a sex pact?”

Poppy batted my arm. “What? It’s a solid plan. It beats going away to college still a virgin.”

“There’s nothing wrong with still being a virgin when you go to college,” I said defensively.

“I know. It’s just not something I want to happen. So… sex pact. Besides, it’s Aaron.” Poppy grinned. “I’ve seen him naked enough times that I know there’s not going to be any horrible surprises.”

“Yeah, when you were kids.” We both laughed, although mine sounded strained. “You know, I always thought you had a thing for Aaron,” I added.

“For Aaron?” She gawked at me. Either my sister was in denial or good at lying because I’d seen them together enough times to see the sparks.


“He’s like the brother I never had, Lil. It’s weird.”

“Ouch. Don’t ever let him hear you say that.”

“Why, has he said something to you?”


“Oh.” Disappointment washed over her, and I smiled.

“You do like him.”

“I don’t. I swear…” She let out a resigned sigh. “You can’t ever say anything, Lily. I mean it. He’s one of my best friends. It would be weird. It would ruin everything. Promise me.”

“Whoa, relax.” I hugged her closer. “I’m not going to tell anyone.”
