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Six months later…

Iris sat in the sitting room at Hampstead House. It had been six months since Daniel had proposed to her. She had gone into her marriage full of hope mixed with apprehension. There was nothing she wanted more than to believe everything Daniel had said to her that day, and for the most part she had. That didn’t mean she didn’t still hold some reservations about her future happiness. How could she not have? Daniel had hurt her and pushed her away too many times for her not to have any doubts.

Thankfully all those fears had been for nothing. Daniel was the best husband, and more than she could have hoped for. The six months had been so wonderful she couldn’t believe she had ever hesitated to say yes to his proposal. Now she had something to tell him. Some big news she’d been holding inside until she knew for certain.

Daniel walked into the sitting room. He smiled at her, then walked over to her in long strides. “Hello, love,” he said before he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. “You’re beautiful.”

Heat filled her cheeks. She should be used to this by now, but he still set her heart aflutter with a few simple words and a brief kiss hello. How had she gotten so lucky? “I missed you this morning,” she said. “And last night.”

He had gone away overnight to see to some estate business. “I missed you more,” he said. “At least you had the comfort of our bed to keep you warm.”

“It’s not all that warm without you in it,” she informed him. Then sighed. “But you’re here. How’s the property?”

He blew out a breath. “It’s part of Calliope’s dowry. Someone was interested in purchasing it, but I declined. She may want to use it for something else.”

“Oh?” Iris lifted a brow. “What would your sister use property for?”

“Herself,” he said, then shrugged. “She doesn’t have to marry. I already put the deed in her name, though I won’t tell her that just yet. I want her to have choices.”

“How sweet,” she said. “Why do you think marriage is so terrible.” Iris raised a brow. “Are you not happy you’ve married me?”

“Darling,” he said in a soothing tone. “Not all marriages are like ours.”

Iris grinned. He was right of course but she had to make a point, or he’d be insufferable. “I don’t know. I can name three marriages besides ours that have worked out splendidly.”

“Our friends do not count…” He shook his head. “Each situation is not the norm. You know that.”

She patted the seat next to her. “We have all made everything more difficult than it had to be. Each one of us has been stubborn, and yet, we have all found a way around it to love. It might not be the norm, but it isn’t unusual either. Callie could find love. Don’t discount her appeal to the gentlemen of the ton.” Lady Calliope Andrews had gorgeous blonde hair and brilliant blue eyes, and a face that would make men stop in their tracks. She was already surrounded by eligible gentlemen of the ton at each event she attended. Iris was certain that would continue, and Daniel would have to weed through them. There were some fortune hunters that circled her too. Calliope probably wouldn’t even notice them though. She had her sight set on a particular gentleman. Iris would bet everything on that fact.

He sighed. “That’s also something I fear.” Daniel leaned back. “But I’ll have to deal with it. She’s got a whole list of balls she wishes to be escorted to just this week. I hope you’re ready to help with that.”

“Callie is a dear,” Iris said. “It won’t be that much of a chore.”

Daniel’s sister was excited. Iris could remember when she’d been that way once upon a time. What Iris didn’t say to her husband though…Callie seemed particularly interested in the Viscount of Goodland—one of Daniel’s closest friends. She was fairly certain that he wouldn’t be happy with that pairing. He loved Goodland, and he loved his sister, but he would not love them together.

“Let’s put that aside to worry about another day,” she said after she shook those thoughts away. “I’ve something to tell you.”

“What?” he said in a wary tone.

“Don’t think the worst,” she said and laughed. “It’s good news. I promise.” She was so giddy with happiness. Daniel would feel that too, along with the fears. She’d help him through it all.

He pulled her into his lap and nuzzled his neck. “Then tell me so I can stop imagining the worst.” Her poor, poor Daniel. Always thinking of everything that could go wrong instead of the possibilities.

Iris took his hand and pressed it to her belly. “We’re going to have a baby.”

His eyes widened. “You’re certain?” His voice cracked as he spoke.

“I estimate I’m three months along,” she said. “I’m as certain as can be.”

She had suspected a month ago, but hadn’t wanted to jinx anything. She had seen a doctor while Daniel was away. With her pregnancy confirmed she was confident she could tell him the news. He could be more anxious than her at times. He’d probably be a little insane throughout her pregnancy. He would hate the thought of losing her. She’d have to reassure him all along until the babe was born.

He hugged her close. “I love you,” he said in a hoarse whisper. He met her gaze. “More and more every day.”

She pulled back and cupped his cheeks in her hands. “I love you too.” Then she leaned into him and pressed her lips to his. The kiss was sweet and full love all the love they shared. This was the life she’d always wanted, had imagined, and felt incredibly blessed to have. If something is meant to be, it will be, and she thanked heaven every day that her and Daniel were together as they should be.

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