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The sky was a brilliant blue highlighted by the sun’s blinding rays. It was almost enough to make a miserable man cheerful. Almost. Jonah doubted he would ever truly shake the despondence that had settled within him years earlier. It was like a comfortable piece of clothing. It fit him well and had become a part of his core. He wouldn’t know who he was without it to lean on.

Perhaps he should allow himself to find some sort of happiness. He just didn’t know what to do about it or if it was what he actually wanted. Jonah had been so set on his path he couldn’t see any way of altering the course he had started. The night of Lady Calliope’s debut ball had changed something inside of him. He saw everything a little differently. She was the cause of course.

Which was also why he was sitting on his black stallion, Hades as he rode through Hyde Park. It was the hour to promenade, and socialize with the beau monde. Jonah would rather be anywhere else. What the hell had he been thinking? Clearly he hadn’t… He had lost all ability to reason because of one lady’s regard of him. Was he becoming a besotted fool? She may not even be in the park, but he would search for her regardless.

He pressed his knee into Hades’ side and pulled on the reins bringing him to a stop. Jonah perused the park hoping to catch a glimpse of Lady Calliope, but he didn’t locate her. He sighed and considered going home. This had been a foolish endeavor.

“I never thought to see the day you would willingly ride in Hyde Park when the ton flocks to it,” a man said.

Jonah glanced up at his friend, Lord Hampstead, and smiled. If the earl was there then his sister surely was as well. “I fear I may be going mad. Why else am I here?”

Hampstead shrugged. “There might be some truth to that fear.” He gestured to a group behind him. “I may be heading to Bedlam myself before the end of the season. Callie already has a slew of suitors.” He wrinkled his nose. “It’s vexing.”

Jonah looked at Lady Calliope and she was indeed surrounded by several gentlemen. It was disconcerting. “It’s a good thing she has you to protect her. Are there any decent men in the lot?”

“Perhaps,” Hampstead conceded. “I’ve not yet investigated a few of them. They may call on her until I deem them unworthy.”

“And how long will that take?” Jonah chuckled. “A few hours?”

“Some didn’t make it that long,” Hampstead grumbled. “I already sent a few fortune hunters away.”

Jonah didn’t envy Hampstead that task. Though perhaps he should take an interest in Lady Calliope’s suitors as well. Hampstead might not be able to take them all to task. There were bound to be a few that slipped through, and while he had no intention of offering for her, he sure as hell wouldn’t allow another man to take advantage of her good nature.

“There are always a few every season in need of a wife or rather the dowry that comes with one.” Jonah nodded at Hampstead. “Does she know you’re sending some of her suitors away?”

Hampstead nodded. “I do not hide anything from my sister. That’s a sure way of allowing her a reason for rebellion.”

“A wise decision then,” Jonah agreed. “Your sister seems the stubborn sort.”

“She can be at times,” Hampstead agreed. “That doesn’t mean she is arbitrary. But if she believes in something enough she will dig in her heels and refuse to see reason.”

Jonah didn’t believe that Lady Calliope did anything on a whim. She would be methodical in anything she chose to do. That was one of the things he appreciated about her. There was no artifice to be found in her.

“What are you two discussing?” a lady asked.

“Hello, love,” Hampstead greeted his wife. “I thought you would stay with Callie.”

“I can chaperone from here,” she said. “Isn’t that what you are doing?” Lady Hampstead lifted a brow. “Or am I wrong in that assumption?”

Hampstead chuckled. “I am having a pleasant conversation with my friend.” He nodded at Jonah. “But that does not mean I’ve completely diverted my attention from the men swarming my sister.”

“As well you shouldn’t,” Lady Hampstead chastised him. “They might have wicked designs on her.”

“That’s a little prudish, love,” he said. “Besides all men have wicked designs when a pretty lady is involved. It’s ingrained within us.” He nodded at Jonah. “Don’t you agree Goodland?”

“He’s right of course. We’re an uncouth lot.”

Lady Hampstead shook her head. “I wish I could disagree with you, but I know different.” She glanced at Lady Calliope. “Still we should return to your sister. It’s unseemly to abandon her as we have.”

“You could have stayed with her,” Hampstead reminded his wife. “I would have returned…eventually.”

Jonah almost laughed at that. This had to be torturous for his friend. He could help him and suggest they all return to Lady Calliope and her suitors. Though he didn’t really want to share her with several gentlemen. He wanted her all to himself. That in itself was not a good sign. The fact he was in the park was the beginning of his undoing. “I promise he’s telling the truth. I was about to leave before he joined me. I find the park unappealing.” He really hated Hyde Park. The only thing that attracted him within it was Lady Calliope. He couldn’t tell Lady Hampstead that though.

She narrowed her gaze. “I believe you. Why are you in Hyde Park today?”

Hell. How was he to answer that? Jonah couldn’t very well say he’d hoped to cross paths with Lady Calliope. Both Lord and Lady Hampstead would have several questions if he spouted that nonsense. Hampstead might even decided he needed to knock some sense in to him. What answer could he give that would alleviate their concerns.
