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Lucky for him he had a reprieve and didn’t have to answer. Lady Calliope herself saved him. “What are you three discussing? I hope it isn’t me.”

Jonah hid a smile. She had joined them and left all of her suitors behind. That wasn’t a good sign for any of them…

Callie had been tryingto escape her suitors since they had arrived at Hyde Park. Especially once she realized Lord Goodland was there. Finally, she had found an excuse they couldn’t argue with. She wanted to return home because she had a head pain. The sun was blinding and making her see spots. They had all offered to escort her home, but she had to refuse their kind offer. Her brother would never allow them to do so, and he was still near by. She would join him and then he and Iris could return home with her. They had acceded to her wishes and departed. Thank heaven…

Now she was where she wanted to be…close to Lord Goodland. If only she could find a reason for her brother and his wife to leave them alone, then everything would be as she wished. That would be asking for too much though. Daniel would never allow her to be alone with the viscount. He adored his friend, but he also knew him too well to leave Callie in his care. They were all known as the scandalous gentlemen for a reason. Callie being alone with Lord Goodland would cause a scandal indeed, and she would not marry a man to save her reputation. She wanted love and a real marriage. It might not be what she ended up with, but she wouldn’t give up on the idea yet.

“We wouldn’t dare discuss you while you were still able to overhear our conversation,” Lord Hampstead said, answering her earlier question. “I value my life too much to do that.”

“You’re rather tedious Brother,” she retorted. “I do not know why we allow your behavior to dictate our actions.”

“Because you love me?” Hampstead grinned. “As I love you.”

They had an easy relationship and Callie was grateful for that. She knew some women were not as fortunate. Their fathers, brothers, or guardians did not take their wants or needs into consideration. A woman was a man’s property and given or sold at the whim of a man. Daniel would never do that to her. He cared about her and what she wanted from life. “I do love you,” she agreed.

“Now that we’ve all witnessed that Hampstead loves his sister can we leave this infernal park?” Lord Goodland asked.

Callie turned her attention to him. “No one has required you to remain with us. You could have left long before we had this conversation. Why are you still here?” She lifted a brow. Callie didn’t want him to leave, but she couldn’t outright admit that. If she goaded him he might stay to be contrary.

“I wasn’t asking your permission to stay or leave,” he told her, then smiled. “But it was good of you to give it.”

“I wasn’t asking you to stay,” she told him in a calm tone. Callie didn’t want to give her intentions away. “or go. The decision has always been yours, my lord.”

“A fact I’ve always been aware of.” His smile widened to reveal dimples. Her heart skipped a beat. If Callie had one weakness it was this man’s smile. It could send her insides all aflutter without much ado. “But, as I said, it was kind of you to allow it either way.”

“That’s enough,” Iris interrupted. “This sparring match could go on for hours and I want to return home for tea. I am parched.” She turned toward Lord Goodland. “Will you be joining us?”

“For tea?” He frowned. Callie mourned the loss of his infectious smile. Lord Goodland tilted his head to the side as if pondering her questions. “I suppose I could. Though I’d prefer something else to drink.”

“You don’t need any brandy,” Daniel told him. “Suffer through tea like the rest of us.”

Lord Goodland laughed. “The things I do for friendship.” He sighed. “Very well. I will join you for afternoon tea.”

If Callie were not atop her horse, Persephone, and she didn’t want to give away her true feelings; she would have done a happy dance. Considering all that she just smiled, and then said. “It is good of you to grace us with your presence a while longer.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” Lord Goodland said, then flashed her that smile that melted her insides. His words only sent her body blazing hotter. Was it really a pleasure? She couldn’t very well ask him that. They would have time to talk more at Hampstead House. Callie was grateful for that.

“I’ll take your word on that,” Callie said, and then turned to Daniel. “Shall we go?”

“After you,” Daniel replied. “Iris and I will follow you and Goodland.” He met his friend’s gaze. “I am trusting you to act the gentleman.”

“I would expect nothing less,” Lord Goodland replied. He held his hand over his heart. “You may rely upon me to behave. I would never lean upon my scandalous nature with your sister.”

That’s a pity… Callie wouldn’t mind seeing his scandalous side. Was he as wicked as some have claimed? She had heard all the rumors, or well, she thought she had. There might be some that no one would dare repeat in front of an innocent lady. That would be scandalous indeed. “Don’t worry, brother dear,” she told him. “I don’t listen to anything he says anyway.”

Hampstead laughed. “I’m glad you took my advice regarding Goodland to heart.”

That was what he had said to her at the Christmastide house party. No one listened to Goodland. If that had been true she was sorry for it. No one should be ignored. “I always listen to you,” she told Daniel. “You are wiser and older after all.”

“Now don’t go telling lies,” Hampstead said. “We’ve had such a good day.”

“You’re right of course.” It was a great day. Lord Goodland was joining them for tea. She wouldn’t be contrary any longer. “Let’s return for tea. I find I am parched myself.”

They all motioned for their horses to walk and exit Hyde Park. She couldn’t wait to return home. There she would find some time alone with Lord Goodland. Callie didn’t know how she would, but she knew it would happen. She never gave up on something she truly desired as she did the viscount. He hid something beneath his charm, and she wanted to understand him. Those layers protected him and she wanted to know why he hid parts of himself from the world. Callie hoped to uncover all his secrets and have him share his life with her. He was the man she wanted a life with. If she had any hope of making that happen, she would have to lure him to her side and in turn, share everything with her. Callie was nothing if not determined, and she would have it all.
