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This girl is falling for her neighbor. There is no way she isn’t. He’s the entire package. He’s self-sufficient, respectful, smart, and loyal, all wrapped into one handsome man.I hear three knocks on the door, followed by my dad’s soothing voice.

“Ava, can I come in?”

As I contemplate using my bookmark, I clear my throat before replying.

“Sure!” If I don’t use the bookmark, I’ll be forced to use my thumb, which means I have to pick up where I left off. Not that I’m mad about that.

“I’m leaving for the airport,” he says as he steps partially into the doorway. “You remember I have a conference tomorrow in New York, right?”

I know my dad’s schedule quite well. I guess that happens when there are only two of us. It’s a nice feeling to have a friend in your parent. Although, there’s still a prominent line between our friendship and the daughter-father relationship. He has rules,strict ruleshe expects me to follow as his only offspring.

“I remember. The one for the Organized Crime Prosecutors, right?”

“Precisely,” he gives me a soft smile and checks the time on his phone. My dad stands in the doorway in a newly dry-cleaned suit that is a few shades darker than the combed hair on his head. “The taxi should be waiting for me. Take care of yourself, sweetie.”

“Love you, Dad!” I yell as he’s already on his way out of my beige, large yet cozy room decorated with fuchsia ornaments.

“Love you too, sweetie!” I hear his voice fading as he heads down the stairs. I can’t help feeling a void in my heart. A void that I’m desperately trying to fill with the imaginary world I dive into while reading.

Don’t get me wrong, my life as a successful prosecutor’s daughter has its perks. I get invited to the best parties and have access to the best clothes. But, most of my time is spent alone in our larger-than-life mansion that sits right off the ocean in Palm Beach, Florida. All of that’s fine and dandy, but something is missing, butmylife is far from perfect. I’m a twenty-one-year-old girl who should be spending my weekends getting ready for dates or taking dangerously fast motorcycle rides from a guy I’ve just met at the bar. Instead, I have a cloud looming over my head, twisting all of my adrenaline-seeking thoughts into fear, which leads me to sit at home and read another dark romance novel next to a long-haired cat who never wants to be touched.

Why do the love interests in books always seem to bring the perfect amount of danger into an innocent girl’s life?A question that seems to eat at my brain nightly. I dream about being swept away on a motorcycle by a guy willing to take a bullet for me. Hell, maybe he’ll even take a few.

I wish I knew how dangerous it is to have these so-called dreams because sometimes our wishes are manifested into reality. And, you never really know how deep the shit is until you’re in it.

The next day starts with an economics lecture. It’s our last year at East Palm University. We will be graduating with majors that were, of course, enthusiastically encouraged by our parents. And by encouraged, I mean there was some serious bribery involved. “I’ll buy you a new Audi to get you to and from school,”or “Would you prefer your first trust fund payment at graduation next year or after you graduate with a J.D.?”

“Earth to Avalyne!” My friend snaps her fingers in my face. Lilac Butters has been my best friend for five years now. Her beautiful lavender-colored hair falls right past her shoulders as she rolls her dark brown eyes. She dyed her hair after claiming she was going through a quarter-life crisis. She, too, is twenty-one. And she also lives a pretty mundane life. Her parents own the surprisingly successful local diner, and she reads fantasy books claiming that one day her beautiful female Centaur will come to her rescue.

“I’m sorry. What were you saying?” I ask, immediately regretful.

“I said, look at those two foxes ahead of us.” And that is just what they are. My eyes quickly assess them from head to toe. One of them looks like any other student of East Palm. He’s dressed in a denim jacket over a tight white shirt, pleasingly contrasting his dark skin tone. But his friend, whose gaze I catch on me, surely stands out. He’s wearing a black tank hoodie, showing off his strong inked arms, ripped jeans in the same shade, with chain accessories hanging down his belt. As he bites his lower lip, I notice a silver lip-piercing in the corner of his mischievous smirk. He runs his hand through his hair, brushing away some unruly jet-black strands falling just above the vertical eyebrow piercing. His appearance screams danger, which isexactlywhat I crave.

“We will never get away with hanging out with guys like them. Especially with my parents and your dad.” Lilac’s mocking tone breaks on the drooling over the man with hazel eyes.

“You’re right,” I admit reluctantly, letting out a deep breath while a cold shiver sweeps down my spine. “Let’s get inside. The lecture starts soon.”

We walk by them, smile, and give them a brazen nod.Way to stare, guys.I neglect to tell my lovely friend that I have inhaled the scents of those two perfect specimens, and something has ignited inside of me. But that will all go away when I exhale, right?


It’s a clear night in South Florida, but then again, when isn’t it? As I stand staring at Black Widow’s home, like always, I contemplate ways to escape this hell. And, like always, I fall short of ideas.

After a gentle knock on her office door, her voice rasps from the other side, “come in, and shut the door behind you.”

Good to see you, too.

“You’re in deep with the law, Scorpion. You got caught.” She goes straight to the point, and her dry tone rings in my ears.

“You’re getting sloppy, and our attorney won’t be able to get you off unless…,” she brings her manicured finger to her mouth and taps her over blood-red, botox-filled lips.

“It was just camera footage. I doubt you can even see my face,” I interrupt, trying to salvage what’s left of my life. I am not looking forward to her plan. It usually puts me in a really uncomfortable situation.Who am I kidding?I’m used to it, but that doesn’t mean I enjoy it. She usually has me offing someone who has fucked her over. Don’t get me wrong, I have no hesitation when it comes to putting a bullet between someone’s eyes, especially if they go against our mafia, Black Venom,but lately, her tasks have been quite complex and emotionally taxing.

“You mustseducethe Prosecutor’s daughter.” She continues.What?My throat goes dry, and I swallow hard. My eyes never leave hers. It’s insane how someone this small can be so powerful and intimidating. Her black eyes scan my face as she stands right in front of me, flanked by Viper, her right-hand woman, and four other mafia members in each corner of the room.
