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Well, okay. That is a little dramatic.

Penny chimes in, “Since we’re already here, would you mind if we grabbed a couple of drinks and joined you?”

“Sure,” I choke out as I watch Damien’s hand dip towards her lower back and whisper in her ear. She giggles with a flirtatious look on her face. Of course, I am jealous. Horribly jealous. But instead of letting it go, I choose to play the same game.

So, I bite my lower lip while I give Oliver the most provocative gaze ever, and I let him place a warm kiss on the side of my neck that causes chills to spin down my spine.

I see how with each of our flirty gaze, touch, or innocent kiss, Damien’s eyes keep turning dark with jealousy.

But Damien is good at those sorts of things. That girl is obviously obsessed with him, and I can see how much she is craving his touch, his attention.

When they start making out as if they are the only two people in the room, I snap.

“Excuse me,” I say, hurling myself off the stool. “I need to use the restroom.”


I know that move all too well. So, what do I do? Follow her to the ladies’ room, where I can hear her talking to herself.

“What a dick! What was I thinking?!”

I finally decide to walk in and lock the door behind me. Ava is bent over the sink, splashing water on her beautiful flushed face. She finally looks into the mirror and sees my reflection behind her.

“What are you doing here, Damien? It’s the ladies’ room,” she snarls. Not that I can blame her. I’ve done her dirty, and quite frankly, I’m not very happy with myself either.

She stomps her foot, demanding an answer from me, so I walk slowly towards her. A grin flashes on my face. Oh God, I cannot help myself around this girl. I surround her with my arms resting on the cool granite sink behind her. Her breathing quickens, and her lips part.

“Aren’t you keeping your girl waiting?”

“My girl is here with another man,” I say, brushing her hair behind her ear. Ava doesn’t fight my touch, though. She leans into my hand, and her eyes close.

“I know that look, Ava.”

“What do you mean?” She asks, darting her eyes back open.

I slide my hand on the back of her neck, leaning to whisper in her ear. “You want me, Firefly. You want a taste of me. And I know I want a taste of you, too.”

We stand there frozen in time. She flicks her eyes between mine, down to my lips, and back up again. I make no move. This is like a complex game of chess. If I make the wrong move, I could completely lose the game. But that’s the problem. This doesn’t feel like a game anymore. It doesn’t feel like a bet.


Does he really mean what he says? After all, he is here with another girl, and I am with his cousin.

“You like to concoct little stories in that brain of yours, don’t you?” I retort.

“Stories?” He asks, smirking.

Then he steps back a little to face me while tracing his fingertips along my jaw to make me look him in the eyes.

“You can say whatever you want, Ava, but your eyes give you away. You crave me just as much as I desire you.”Desire.“And if you don’t stop looking at me like that, I won’t be able to resist myself anymore.”

“Resist yourself?”

Damien’s eyes fill with want as they flicker between mine. He bites his lower lip while giving me that sexy smirk that always turns my knees to jelly.

“Why are you here with him when it’s my back you dream about dragging your nails down?” He whispers, staring into my eyes before his gaze drops to my bare arm, where his fingertips gently graze my skin, causing goosebumps in their wake. I can’t focus on anything but his intoxicating scent, irresistible touch, and to-die-for gaze.

He rests his forehead on mine, brushing his thumb over my slightly parted, begging him to kiss me, lips. “God, your lips, Ava.” He licks his lips and stares at mine with hungry eyes.
