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Her eyes grow wide. Understandably. What could a thirty-plus-year-old retired superstar athlete have to ask a child?

When I say nothing for a few seconds, Ana prompts, “I’m listening.” Her eyebrows raised up to her hairline.

I take a peek at her companion, but she’s still held captive in an animated discussion with other parents.Well, might as well get some intel.

I clear my throat.

“The… uh… lady you cane with… is that your… mom?”

I watch in fascination as Ana’s innocent, radiant smile morphs into a mischievous grin. This kid is a badass.

She giggles, shaking her head.

“Nah, that’s my aunt Lisa. She’s my mom’s little sister. She doesn’t have kids, and she loves us, so she helps. There are five of us, and both my parents work, so they can’t always make time for activities.” She marks a pause before asking, one eyebrow raised like some movie villain, “why you wanna know?”

I feel my own grin intensify till it turns into a chuckle.

“You’re trouble, young lady.”

“Nah, you ask questions. You should expect the same. So?”

She crosses her small arms over her little girl chest and my heart melts into a puddle. Right then and there.

“I wanna ask her out,” I give her the most PG answer I can muster. “Is she single?”

Ana nods, still smiling like the Cheshire cat. Before inquiring, “you got any swag?”

I let out an involuntary bark of laughter, making several heads turn in our direction.

“You’re something else, kid.”

She’s still smiling when she insists, “so?”

I cross my own arms, mimicking her posture, recognizing it’s negotiation time.

“I have stuff in my trunk.”

“What kinda stuff?” Ana taunts.

I hold in my laughter, watching the crowd behind her growing impatient. But can’t fully repress the quirk of my lips.

“I havenicestuff, trust me.”

“Okay,” Ana concedes. Then she extends her small hand for me to shake and I play along, engulfing it in my giant paw.

“You girls come see me after this. You can choose what you want.”

I wink again and she nods resolutely.

“Auntie Lisa doesn’t have a boyfriend,” is Ana’s departing shot.

Greatest kid in the world.



When I woke up this morning. I was the same normal Lisa O’Malley. Thirty, gainfully employed, and single as hell. Without a husband, boyfriend or any perspective of even a date. Not blind, not arranged, nothing. I can’t even remember the last time I went out with a dude.

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