Page 23 of Daddy Commands

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How on earth did he recognize her? It had been ten years. She was practically a kid back then. She’d changed so much. She was in rags now.

‘What a lucky day,’ Hank said. ‘First, I get to ruin the bar of a bunch of pervert bikers, then my fucking wife — ten years absent by the way — steps right back into my life. Ohhh, your Papa’s gonna be so glad I found you.’

His voice was so oily, so cruel.

‘My Pap— father’s dead,’ she tried.

‘Bad liar. That’s a useful thing for a husband to know.’

The biker with the hammer said: ‘I’m seriously confused.’

‘Yeah, but basic math confuses you,’ Hank shot back. He returned his attention to Sophia. ‘This is the best news I’ve had for years, pretty thing. There’s been bad blood between your dad and me, but that’s all gonna change now.’

‘Bad blood?’ Sophia asked, not even sure if she was trying to pretend anymore. She felt the bars of the cage start to close around her, start to tighten.

Hank said something that was like a shard of ice in her gut. ‘Shame about what happened to your brother.’ There was a look of pure malice in his eye.

‘M-my brother?’ Sophia hadn’t heard anything from Vincenzo ever since she’d left home. She’d wanted to get in touch with him desperately — the two of them had always been close.

He couldn’t mean that he was dead, could he?

‘Yeah. Shame. Still, it was just business. Not personal. I always liked the kid.’

Sophia’s throat was dry. Her body trembled. This couldn’t be happening. She was back in the nightmare, and somehow it was worse than ever before.

‘Leave me alone,’ she whimpered.

‘Leave you alone? You must be mad.’ He stepped in closer. She locked at the tears tattooed under his eyes, at the swastikas on his forearm. ‘You belong to me. You always have, you just didn’t know it.’

There was the sudden growl of an engine from the end of the alleyway.

‘Not if I have a single thing to say about it.’

Wolf sat astride a jet-black motorcycle. His eyes burned with an intensity that was almost scary.


They weren’t going to hurt her. Not a chance in hell.

The expression on Sophia’s face was agony, terror, despair. Exactly the expression that he’d seen on his mom’s face countless times before his dad had laid into her. He wasn’t going to see it happen again.


He was on the man with the sledgehammer in seconds. Wolf down the alley on his bike, clotheslining the guy with his arm, knocking him down to the ground. He knew the moment he hit him that he had hurt himself, but right now, he couldn’t feel the pain.

Next up, the man who’d been taunting Sophia. As he approached, he saw the guy yank a blade from inside his denim cut. Fuck. He couldn’t take any chances, there was no way he was going to let him near Sophia with that.

‘Leave her alone,’ he said to the Deather, before hopping off his bike. His arm was throbbing from the impact with the first guy, who was still groaning on the floor.

‘Fuck you.’ When the second biker turned to face him, Wolf’s eyes widened.

Holy shit. It was Whip.

The Prez of their club.

The spider’s web halfway up his neck kinda gave it away. Whip was almost never seen in public — but Wolf recognized him from security footage and mugshots. This was the most powerful, ruthless guy in the organization, and he was squaring up to him with a knife.

A knife fight isnotthe kind of thing you want to head into voluntarily. Luckily, he had a little something that could even the odds at least. He pulled his own knife from his cut — a beautiful blade that Baron had forged for him a few months back. This thing was Damascus steel and sharp as a razor. Wolf shifted grip, remaining poised on his feet.
