Page 30 of Daddy Commands

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‘That makes a lot of sense,’ Wolf said, then he put his hand on hers. ‘And I think that’s why we need to take things slow. Because there’s something between us, Sophia. It’s not just me that feels it, right?’

She shook her head, and he felt his heart somersault in his stomach.

‘I want to prove to you that I’m not a monster. More than that, I want to prove it to myself. So, we take it slow. Nothing… physical between us. Not until we’re sure. And until then, I can look after you — I can be your Daddy, but I can’t be your Dom.’

‘That sounds good,’ she said.

‘So, babygirl,’ he said, squeezing her fingers before taking away his hand, ‘are you ready for a bedtime story from Daddy?’

She smiled, and he already knew it — she was his Forever Girl.


When she woke the next day, he was still there, lying quietly on the floor next to her bed. He hadn’t moved all night. He’d slept without a mattress, blanket, or pillows. There was something so indescribably pure and selfless about it — he’d been there just so that she felt safe enough to sleep, and he hadn’t asked for anything in return.

Surprisingly, she’d still had a pretty bad night’s sleep. There was so much sloshing around in her brain, and it kept spilling out, making her jump. Sophia tossed and turned all night long, worried about what was in store for her, what strange twists life had planned.

Chief among her worries was what Wolf had said last night. That there wasn’t going to be anything physical between them. Obviously, this meant that Sophia was obsessed withphysicalthoughts. Why was it that the forbidden things were always the sexiest?

Sophia couldn’t get the thought of Wolf touching her out of her head. It didn’t help that the kiss they’d shared had been so passionate and so fleeting. She kept replaying it, over and over, trying to remember exactly how his lips had felt, trying to remember how it had made her feel. Hot and wet and full of lust. Her desire had grown, and for a while, in the middle of the night, she’d started to touch herself.

Sophia, we mustn’t. This is wrong, Sophia. You feel so good but we can’t. Whatever happens, don’t slip my cock into your…

The memory of her silent, stifled climax made her feel embarrassed this morning, as she watched the rise and fall of Wolf’s big chest. Sophia took a moment to gawp at the ink on his arms without him having the chance to look back. One tattoo stood out: two names, written in a heart — Kyle & Isabella. She wondered about the story behind it.

‘Quit staring kid, time to get up.’ Wolf’s voice was good natured, but Sophia yelped anyway.

‘Right now?’

‘Right now.’

‘Okay, Daddy.’ It was a thrill to say it. ‘And, er, I wasn’t staring. Honest.’

After breakfast with Molly and Baron, it was time to hit the road. Wolf explained to her that they’d be heading back to the Den, and that for their safety a security detail would be looking after them 24/7. At first, this had worried Sophia, but he had told her about the history between the two clubs, and about just how important the Den was, symbolically, to the Drifters for their return to New York.

‘Plus, it’s your fucking home,’ he told her, matter-of-factly. He also stressed that if she ever felt unsafe, she could leave at a moment’s notice. Even so, when she got up on the bike behind him, she couldn’t help but feel a rush of trepidation.

It wasn’t long before the thrill of zooming along the open road cleaned all the anxiety from her system. As she clung to the broad back of the man she was starting to call Daddy, she wished for a moment that she could snuggle him even tighter, to crawl inside that warm body and be his little pet.

Eventually, they arrived at the Den. Sophia was surprised to see a couple of burly looking bikers standing guard at the front door.

‘Crank. Grip,’ Wolf nodded to each of them.

Sophia was going to say something about how ridiculous biker’s names were, but the serious expression on the men’s faces made her think twice.

‘Wolf,’ said the first guy — a lean, bald man with a kind smile hidden somewhere in that tough expression, ‘we’ve got a situation inside.’

‘A situation?’

They opened up the door and headed in. The place was still a mess — obviously the guards were just guarding and hadn’t thought to do any cleaning up. But there was something else. In the middle of the room was a huge package.

‘Postman dropped it off. The address on the label wasn’t this place, though. It was for a PO Box. You think it could be dangerous?’

Sophia was too shocked to say anything. This was a huge delivery, and she hadn’t been expecting anything. In all the excitement of the past few days, she hadn’t checked her email. She flicked her phone screen, searching.

Wolf spoke, sounding deadly serious. ‘It’s almost definitely dangerous. Might be a Death Division trick. Everyone out.’

‘No, wait!’ said Sophia, her heart pounding. ‘It’s for me. It’s a delivery for me.’
