Page 34 of Daddy Commands

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‘Fine,’ she grumbled, crossing her own arms.

‘One more thing. If you don’t stick to the schedule, there will be consequences.’

‘Consequences?’ she practically whispered.

‘I may not be your Dom officially, but as your Daddy, I still need to be able to provide discipline for my Little Girl.’

She bit her lip and rubbed her knees together. She imagined what kind of shape discipline from Wolf might look. Oh, she’d quite like to see it.

‘Are we agreed?’ he asked.

‘I guess.’

‘We’re gonna need to work on that attitude he said.’

She felt her pussy throb at the thought of Wolf working on her. She was surprised by how good this all felt. For years, she’d been running away from men who sought to control her. Now, though, it felt like she’d got it all wrong.

For the right man — a man of her choosing — there was nothing she didn’t want to submit to.


Sometimes, feeling like a machine is no bad thing.

Wake up. Eat a delicious, nutritious meal cooked by your doting yet dominating Daddy. Work for an hour. Do five minutes of squats. Work for an hour. Do five minutes of on-the-spot running. Drink a smoothie. Work for an hour.

Have a healthy, flavorful lunch with your firm but fair Daddy. Laugh and smile as he jokes with you about his morning. Feel a warmth growing in your heart and your loins for the good-natured, hard-working, sweet-talking rogue who’s slowly changing your life for the better. Work for an hour. Be surprised by how easily and quickly you’re working your way through the pile of work that you have.

Spend ten minutes coloring. Get surprise-tickled by your Daddy for five minutes. Nearly pee your pants because of how much you’re laughing. Pretend to bite your Daddy’s thick forearm. Squeal as he really bites your own forearm. Breathe heavily as you imagine what those teeth would feel like on the soft skin of your inner thigh. Work for an hour, all the while daydreaming about your Daddy’s teeth and your Daddy’s lips and your Daddy’s tongue. Spend a little too much time in a toilet cubicle as you rub your clit while you think about your Daddy’s teeth and your Daddy’s lips and your Daddy’s tongue. Think about talking to your Daddy about the fact you’re a virgin, then feel too embarrassed and try, desperately, to calm down.


Breathe some more.

Touch yourself again.

Come. Hard.

Work for an hour. Dinner. Playtime. Storytime. Bed.

That’s what Sophia was. She was a work machine, and she was a play machine, and she was a happiness machine. For the first time in her adult life, she felt happiness fall over her soul, like some huge, comforting, unfamiliar blanket.

‘Dinner time!’ Wolf’s voice floated through the open door to Sophia’s workspace. She hadn’t closed the door once since they’d come up with the schedule together. It felt nice to be closer to him. She was even getting to know some of the characters from the MC.

‘Coming, Daddy,’ she said.

She was putting the finishing touches to a very distinguished old bear who she had affectionately called The Colonel. He had a little mustache and a monocle, which made him look like a very old-fashioned military man. She’d managed to source — with Kandi’s help — some very realistic looking fake mustache material. Right now, she was gluing his mustache back on, and the results were spectacular.

‘You need someone to model for you?’ She was surprised by the voice but turned around to see Dante — one of the Drifters who had a very fetching handlebar mustache — waiting by the door.

Sophia laughed. ‘Your mustache is way too cool for The Colonel,’ she said. ‘But I’ll bear you in mind for any tough biker bears I get in in future.’

‘I’ve always seen myself as a Daddy bear,’ Dante said in his broad Southern accent.

‘I think you’d make an excellent bear,’ Sophia said, carefully applying the last few strands of horsehair to the bear’s upper lip.

‘Wolf says dinner’s up,’ Dante said.

‘Jeez, I’m just coming.’

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