Page 51 of Daddy Commands

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‘I’m thinking of your lubed-up thingy slipping between my breasts?’

‘That’s it!’ he said, full of faux fury. ‘Trying to trick me is spankworthy!’

‘Oh no, Daddy, now?’

She felt his fingers grip her pants and firmly tug down. ‘Right now.’

As she turned to face the plasterboard wall and spread her hands wide, she grinned the delirious grin of someone about to get exactly what they wanted.

‘I can feel that you’re smiling, young lady.’

How did he know!? He had eyes in the back of his head.

‘I’m not!’ she protested.

‘I think this is all some ruse to get me to spank this ass of yours,’ Wolf said, running his fingers over her butt.

‘Daddy, that’s not true!’

‘You’re making it worse with all this lying,’ her Daddy said. He pulled his hand off her skin, and she instantly longed for it to return. ‘I want the truth, please.’

For a moment, she considered pushing the lie even further, but she knew it wasn’t worth her while. She got the feeling that Wolf had already decided to take things a little further than the spankings she’d intermittently enjoyed over the past two weeks.

The only question was what he’d do.

‘Fine,’ she said, admitting defeat. ‘Ilikeit when you spank me.’

‘Oh, do you?’ His warm breath was on her neck. His lips were so close.

‘Mmhmm,’ she managed.

‘And why is that?’

‘Because it makes me… hot. And wet. Down below. Because I know when I’ve been naughty I can get spanked and it makes everything better. The feeling of everything being better is so, so, so good.’

‘That sounds healthy enough,’ Wolf said. ‘But I think I’m gonna have to make it a little more uncomfortable for you.’

Sophia bit her lip. Then, she waited.


Wolf couldn’t take his eyes off that peach of an ass. He shouldn’t be doing this — not right now. There was so much to do, both for him and for Sophia. They should be getting down to work, not… well, getting down.

He looked at the different parts of her buttocks, thought about how it might feel for her to be struck on each part. High up, near the back. In the center, across her cleft. Down low, between her buttocks and her thighs, in the sweetest of sweet spots.

Ever since he’d started getting physical with Sophia, he’d spoken to Rainer and Baron about spanking, about how to get the most out of it for pain and pleasure.

‘The key,’ Baron had said, ‘is to vary your strokes and your position. If you want it to hurt, to truly discipline her, you go high. Not with too much force, of course. You don’t want to hurt her too bad. But then, if you want her to never forget it, and keep coming back for more, you go low. That way, she’ll feel it everywhere.’

He kept Baron’s words in his mind as he gripped Sophia’s ass again. He warmed her up, stretching the skin, pinching lightly, making sure that blood flowed to her perfect skin.

‘I’ve been waiting to get my hands on you today. You know that? I’m tired from my work, and I could use a little break. All I’ve been thinking about is sinking my cock deep into your body. But now I can’t do that,’ he said, trying to sound angry, disappointed, ‘because I have to mete out a punishment instead.’

‘Sorry, Daddy,’ she said. ‘You don’t have to punish me. You could jus—’

‘Out of the question,’ he insisted, pinching the soft flesh in the center of her right buttock. He knew what she wanted, and he was going to give it to her. Wolf could already see the glistening of dew on her pussy. It would taste so good just to lean in and give her a long, hard, lick.

Just wait, Wolf. There will be plenty of time for that later.
