Page 30 of Please Daddy

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‘Holy fuck, Addy, you alright?’ Finn is right there now, with his arms upon me. That’s twice in one day he’s lifted me up. Earlier on, in his kitchen, when he carried me over to the sink, I felt myself just turn toliquidin his arms. He felt so strong, as though I weighed nothing for him. I could feel his ribcage move as he breathed. And I could smell his scent. Pine. Cologne. Earth. Red chilies. Oil.

Now, I’m definitelynotliquid. I’m rigid, spasming with shock and pain, unsure whether to try to thank him or kill him.

‘I’m going to carry you back to my car, darlin’, but I’ll need you to hold my flashlight, so I can see where we’re going.’ He hands me the light and I shine it onto the forest floor, guiding our way. Finn has a new scent now. Fresh sweat. Salt. And something a little sweet too, like the pancakes we ate this morning. Gosh, that seems like a lifetime ago now.

When we get to the Chevy, Finn hoists me up onto the passenger seat and straps me in. ‘I’ll drive you back, and I’ll come back for your vehicle in the morning. Okay?’

I nod. I’m so shocked, I just don’t feel like I can say anything right now.

‘Good. I’ve taken the key out the ignition, so nobody will be running off with it. Not that anyone will be heading this way now. Whoever that was, he’s driven back out of the forest. Seems like we scared him off.’

Wescaredhim? Finn is so wrong about that it’s almost funny. Almost.

He shuts the door on the passenger side and then goes around to the driver’s seat.

I can tell there are things he wants to say to me — lots of things — but just for now, he’s silent, letting me catch my breath.

He carries me back into the cabin, and lies me down on his couch.

It’s good to be back beside the fire. My teeth are chattering and I hadn’t realized until just now how freezing I was.

‘Stay there,’ says Finn. ‘I need to go get bandages.’

‘I’m fine,’ I mumble, but I can taste blood as I speak. I’ve split my lip, I think. Feels slightly swollen and I’ve got that unmistakable metallic tang in my mouth. It’s nothing really, but I can feel my head spinning.

Finn heads off to the bathroom, and I look over at Eric. His big black button eyes are staring at me, with a mixture of sadness and reproach. I swear he’s upset with me for running off without saying goodbye. He lets out a small whine.

‘It’s okay, boy,’ I say. ‘I’ll live.’

Eric cocks his head to one side and pants, looking at me as if he’s not so sure.

Finn returns and it’s his turn to assess the damage now. His back stiffens as he sits on the edge of the couch beside me, looking at my wounds. ‘Never,everrun off into the forest in the dark, young lady,’ he tells me. He sounds very stern, totally in control. There’s a hard edge to his voice that I haven’t heard before.

My cheeks burn a fierce red, and I feel like I’m a child being scolded by the principal. ‘I’m not scared of the woods,’ I say, which isn’t quite true.

‘It’s not the forestitselfyou need to be afraid of. Who knows what those idiot trophy hunters have left lying around? There are so many traps out there.’

‘Too right there are traps,’ I snap. ‘You're one of them.’

‘I’m not trapping you, Addison,’ says Finn. ‘You’re free to go. Really, you are. But not until I’ve finished checking over your wounds and you’ve rested up. You can leave in the morning, okay?’

I’ll leave whenever I like, I think. But actually, he’s right. I’m in no fit state to drive right now. And I might not be tomorrow, either.

Finn takes an antiseptic wipe out of a first aid kit and begins gently wiping the palm of my right hand.

I wince.

‘This is a nasty cut. I’m going to put a bandage on this, keep it clean and moist, alright?’

I can’t help scoffing: ‘Oh, you’re not just my husband, you’re mydoctornowtoo.’

‘No need to be like that,’ snarls Finn. ‘You don’t think I saw things like this — and much worse — in the Forces? You don’t think they trained us on how to dress wounds?’ His expression softens. ‘We need to talk,’ he says. ‘And we will. About what you saw. But I promise you, it’s not what you think. It’s not some… some trick, or whatever you might worry that it is. I’m not out to hurt you. Quite the opposite.’

‘What on earth happened out there, Finn? Who was that man?’

Finn puts a square of gauze on my palm and then begins winding a soft white bandage around my hand. ‘All in good time. But first, tell me, where else does it hurt?’

‘My knees. My ankle.’
