Page 5 of Please Daddy

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‘Not to worry. I made a fresh pot of coffee and I grabbed some Danish pastries from the bakery on the corner this morning.’

‘You’ve already been outside today?’ I ask, rubbing my temples. ‘Sheesh. Get you, Miss Up-and-at-’em.’

‘Well, I’ve got a plane to catch. Literally.’ Violet pours us a strong, milky cup of coffee each —just how we both like it, and then puts a plate of pastries between us.

‘Oh my gosh,’ I say. ‘Custard Danishes. Yum.’ I take a thick, yellow slice of delicious, unctuous pastry and bite into it. ‘So good,’ I say, my hand over my mouth.

‘See? I remembered they’re your favorite.’

‘You did,’ I say, nodding. ‘And this is one of the best I’ve ever tasted. It’s almost like you’re trying to get on my good side.’

Violet looks down into her coffee as though it’s a window onto a dark, dark future. ‘I need to talk to you about your living arrangements,’ she says. ‘I told you I’d found somewhere for you to stay while I’m gone. You need to know that this decision hasn’t been easy for me.’

‘I’m not your responsibility, Violet,’ I say, knitting my brows together. ‘I can find my own place to stay.’ Even as I say this, though, I know how dire my financial situation is right now, and how much I’m depending on her.

As much as I hate that fact.

‘The thing is,’ Violet says, leaning forward and grabbing my hand, ‘it’s not safe for you to stay in Denver just now. I’ve found a great little place for you to stay, where nobody’s going to bother you —’

‘Whoa, wait,’ I say, slamming my mug down on the counter a little too hard. ‘Back up a second, Vee, would you? It’s notsafefor me to stay in Denver?’

‘I’m sorry,’ says Violet. ‘It’s complicated. And it’s better you don’t know the details.’

‘What? Why? Are you in some sort of trouble, Violet?’

‘I’mnot,’ she says, looking straightintome in a way that chills my spine.

‘Would youpleasetell me what on earth is going on, Vee? This is mylifewe’re talking about.’

‘You always liked it when we stayed in the mountains with Dad when we were little, didn’t you? Fishing and making fires and running around among all the trees.’

‘Of course I did. But I don’t see what that has to do with —’

‘I’ve found you a great little mountain retreat. Deep in the forest. I promise you, it’s one hundred percent safe there. You’ll be safe and sound until I get back.’

I push my plate away from me. I’m really not in the mood to eat any more, even if it is my favorite breakfast. ‘In what way am Inotsafe right now, Vee?’ I ask.

Violet bites her lip. ‘Youaresafe. You’re perfectly safe. I just want it to stay that way. While I’m gone.’

‘This is madness, Violet. I’m not some helpless little foal, you know. I may be a Little, but I can look after myself. I lived in the Bronx before this, you know. I’m no lily-liver.’

‘The Bronx actually has a lower murder rate than Boston —’

‘Murder? Who’s talking aboutmurder?’ I get down off my chair and throw my hands in the air. ‘Look. I’ve had enough of this. You need to see me as I really am, Violet. I’m a woman now.’

I can’t help but think that because of the way I’ve acted in the past, and because of who I am, Violet has never been able to process me growing up. She still sees me as the six-year-old girl having to sleep in bed beside her every night. Now, just because I like to act like that six year old girl, doesn’t mean I can’t live in the adult world. Even if it is a stinky, lame-ass place.

‘Please, Addy,’ says Violet. ‘Let me help you. Sign this paperwork for me. And then it’s sorted. Six months in the mountains.’

She pushes a thick stack of papers toward me. I’d been so engrossed by the Danishes before that I hadn’t noticed them. There’s a black fountain pen lying on top of the papers.

I look at Violet, and then back at the papers. She’s right. I mean, Idolike the mountains. And if she really has found me some kind of amazing mountain retreat, then I’d be a fool to turn that down, in favor of — what? Sleeping rough on the streets of Denver tonight? Violet can’t think I’mthatweak, either. You don’t send a girl to the mountains on her own unless you’re confident she knows what she’s doing. It’sbearcountry out there, for one.

‘Fine,’ I sigh. ‘I’ll sign the paperwork. What is it, a rental contract or something?’

‘That sort of thing,’ says Violet. ‘You sure you don’t want another Danish?’

She pushes the plate back toward me and I sigh.
