Page 71 of Merciless

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“Yeah,” he shrugged. “I wanted you even then. I think there never was a day I didn’t want you to be mine.”

Chapter Nineteen


“Where the hell are we going?” she whispered while I was sneaking us out in the middle of the night.

“You’ll see,” I smiled and pushed her out the front door. I closed it slowly and then grabbed her by the waist and planted a kiss on the tip of her nose. She giggled.

Fuck. I love that laughter.

I spent the entire day with a raging erection and images of her naked body flashing before my eyes. What we did in that room in school was completely improvised. I saw her and Dylan and they were huggingagainand I snapped.

I had that key for two years now. I had used it with other girls a few times. I didn’t plan on taking Clem there. But I saw her with him, and the need to mark her mine arose. I was done with playing games and moving backwards.

Hearing her saying she wanted me made my rage evaporate in seconds.

The control that girl’s words and actions had over me was unfathomable.

I pushed her in front of me, my hand on her lower back, navigating her. Touching her, even with her clothes on, made me lose my mind. I was still amazed by my restraint in that room. The only thing that helped me control myself and not flip her over and fuck her from behind was the fact I was trying to make a point.

I waited for her to find out where we were going. I was ready for resistance.

“Oh, no. No way,” she smacked my hand away and tried to go back to my house.

My house? Our house? What was the correct term? I had no idea anymore.

I caught her after only two steps. She used her body weight and tried to drag me back. I didn’t budge.

“I know you hate it,” I ran my thumb over her cheek. “Just trust me, okay.”

“I don’t want to go in there. Not yet,” she protested. “Did your mother make you do this? Is this because I refused to see it when she asked?”

I shook my head, not tearing my gaze away from hers.

“This has nothing to do with my mother. The house is just… a means to an end,” I took a step away from her, holding her hand. She was walking backwards to my house, and I used some force to pull her to me. “Trust me, Clem.”

“I trust you,” she huffed. “I just hate the fact that the house is…”

“Almost ready?”

She nodded. Fuck. I was back to being an eight-year-old that couldn’t stand her being sad for a second.

“I’ll be right here. Like always,” then the old instincts kicked in and I felt the need to make her laugh. “Mom will continue to watch your every move like a hawk. And I’m pretty sure Troy will try to kill me in my sleep when he finds out about us. He’s crushing on you so hard, I feel sorry for the little guy. Although I’m pretty sure anyone who sees us together would think the same about me.”

She gave me a fake one-sided smile. Maybe I couldn’t make her laugh and forget about moving out, because I dreaded that moment just like she did. Maybe even more.

I tried to pull her towards her house, and she followed. My heart began to beat faster. Every time she followed my lead or trusted me with something, like earlier that day, when she trusted me I wouldn’t let us get caught in that room, I felt like she was giving me a little bit more of her. And I collected those crumbs of her affection with the hope I would one day get her everything. Every little piece.

We were at her front door and was fishing for the keys in my pocket, when she blurted out.

“Your mother invited me to live in your house because she wanted you to forgive me.” I stood still for a moment. Then I turned to face her. “She wants you to fall in love and she thought you needed to forgive me to be able to do that.”

I cleared my throat.

“I know. I figured that out a while ago,” I said. “She was on the verge of crying every time something good happened between us, and she never meddled when he fought. She just watched as if she was waiting for something.”

“But you look surprised?” she asked confused.
