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Glenn told Mason it was good to see him there and then took Bree’s hand and walked down the aisle to their seats. As he looked around, he was still having a difficult time accepting that this was his life.

For so long, he’d just been surviving. Dealing with the next crisis or adjusting to whatever life had thrown his way. But these past couple of months in Hope Falls had changed everything. And the biggest and best change was Vivien. She was everything he never knew he always wanted.

Glenn took his seat with Bree by his side. Nearly every one of the four hundred chairs were taken, so he was glad that Vivien had insisted on reserving their seats for them. It looked like the entire town had shown up for the ceremony.

“Daddy.” Bree tugged on his shirt, and he looked down at her.

Today, he’d done her hair half up and half down and he’d curled the ends. He was still getting the knack of using a curling iron, but Vivien had helped him with his form. Vivien had also left a few flowers to put in her hair that matched the flowers Blake, Grace, Ava, and Audrey were wearing. He couldn’t believe how grown up she looked.

“What, Peanut?”

Her little face was serious, and he could tell that whatever she was about to ask was serious, too. “Are you and Viv going to have a wedding?”

“I hope so. I have to ask her to marry me and then if she says yes, we will have a wedding.”

“And does that mean that Viv would be your wife?” Bree looked downright concerned at that possibility.

He would have thought that the idea of him marrying Vivien would have made Bree happy. Over the moon even. She loved her. She loved that she was his girlfriend, she told everyone that they’d moved into the big house. Who needed a gossip train when you had a six-year-old Chatty Kathy? So he was a little confused as to why his daughter didn’t seem ecstatic at the possibility. But there was one thing he’d always promised himself he would be with her, and that was honest.


Her brow furrowed and he found himself holding his breath as to what her reaction was going to be. It’s not like he’d allow a six-year-old to dictate his life, but if Bree had serious concerns about his and Vivien’s relationship that would definitely throw a wrench in the plans.

“Does that mean she won’t go on any more dates with princes?”

“Yep. Afraid so.”

She sighed as if she was giving up a dream and her shoulders deflated. He wasn’t sure how he felt about the fact that she would sell him out for a prince. “I guess that’s okay because she said that prince wasn’t nice.”

Thank God she’d said he wasn’t nice, otherwise he thought Bree would have been holding out for Viv to marry royalty.

“Where’s Blake?” Bree asked as she settled back in her chair.

Over the past few weeks that Glenn and Bree had been spending time with Vivien and her sisters, Bree had followed Blake around like a shadow. Thankfully, the teenager was a great role model and Glenn was happy that his daughter looked up to her.

Vivien had also spent time with him and his cousins and brother. She’d accompanied him to the last few Sunday dinners, they’d gone bowling with Eric, Lily, Gabe, Adriana, Grace, and Easton and had gone white water rafting with Ava, Asher, Nikki, and Mike.

The two families just seamlessly fit together. Just like he and Vivien fit together seamlessly. Even if he wasn’t a prince.

“She’s with Aunt Audrey.”

After a few minutes, Bree gasped and turned toward him. “Can you marry Viv today after Aunt Audrey gets married?!”

Wow. That was quite a change of heart. He loved his daughter’s enthusiasm and would do that in a heartbeat if he could. “Not today, Peanut.”

He patted his daughter’s knee just as someone sat beside him. He turned and saw that it was Nonna, Vivien’s pseudo grandmother and her date Mr. Lopez.

“Hi, Nonna. Mr. Lopez,” Glenn greeted them.

“Hi, Nonna!” Bree exclaimed, jumping up out of her seat and giving the woman a huge hug.

Nonna and Bree had bonded over making cookies and their love of Taylor Swift.

Seeing his daughter embrace so many people as family warmed his heart. He’d been so worried about missing the city but nothing compared to the support and love that this town offered.

“Sweet, sweet Bree! Pretty flowers!” As Nonna touched the flowers in Bree’s hair, Amy and Matt walked by with Peyton and Paige and sat a few rows up.

“Daddy, can I go sit with Peyton and Paige?”
