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Vivien Wells tempted him in a way that no other woman had ever had.

As Viv and Bree walked in front of him, his eyes automatically zoned in on her backside. The sweats that she was wearing clung to her ample ass. He felt like a creep so he tore his gaze away, but the sway of her hips kept calling to him like a lighthouse in a stormy sea.

“Oh, do you see that?” Viv pointed to a flowering bush and Bree gasped.

“A butterfly!”


His daughter and Vivien walked over to a large bush and the ladies oohed and awwed at the orange and black winged creature. As they did, his eyes automatically drifted down to the slit of skin between her shirt tied in the center of her back and the waistband of her sweats, which were rolled up. Like it was being pulled by a force outside of his control, his gaze continued even lower to the generous curves of her backside. His entire body tensed as he took in her hourglass shape.

He forced himself to look away. What kind of a pervert ogled a woman who was talking to his daughter about butterflies?

“We shouldn’t keep you,” he said gruffly hoping to move this process along.

The less time he spent in this temptress’s presence the better.

“Someone’s grumpy,” Viv said beneath her breath and his daughter giggled.

Vivien glanced down at Bree and the two exchanged a knowing smile. Great. Now they were bonding over him.

“So, this is it.” Viv declared as she opened the front door. “Home sweet home.”

The space was small, but it was more than ample for what he needed. And it was furnished, which was a bonus. He was going to give Bree the bedroom and he was going to crash on the Murphy bed.

They were just finishing up the short tour when he heard someone say, “Knock, knock.”

He looked over and saw Amy standing in the doorway. She wasn’t showing yet, but she looked a little tired. After they all said hello, she explained, “The girls and I were going to get some ice cream when I saw your truck outside. So we thought we’d stop and see if Bree would like to go.”

Bree turned on her biggest and best puppy dog eyes. “Please, Daddy!”

He hesitated, not because he didn’t want his daughter to have the frozen treat but because if he said yes that would leave him alone with Vivien. Which was ridiculous. He was a grown ass man. He didn’t need to use a six-year-old as a buffer.

“Sure, Peanut!” He glanced up at Amy. “I’ll go grab her booster seat.”

After Glenn got Bree safely in Amy’s SUV he waved as his cousin, the twins and his daughter drove off. He felt a sense of dread and excitement settle low in his gut. He needed to go sign the lease and grab the keys but that meant talking to Vivien again. This time without the distraction of a six-year-old between them.

He started walking across Amy and Matt’s lawn when he spotted his new landlord carrying a bin that clearly had her arms straining. He picked up the pace to reach her before she made it to the steps on the porch.

“Here, let me take that.”

“Oh no, it’s okay.” Instead of handing it over to him she set it down on the ground and reached inside her pockets. “Here are your keys and Grace just texted that she emailed you the lease. You can e-sign it and email it back to her.”

Glenn took the keys. “Can I take that inside for you? I don’t mind.”

“I’ve got it. I put them all in my car, I can get them all out.”

“How many do you have?”

“Um…” Her nose scrunched up and he had the sudden urge to lean down and kiss her on it. What was wrong with him?

“Probably fifty or so… I’m not sure.”

“Are you moving in today?”


From what Glenn had always heard about Hope Falls it was a tightknit community that was known for showing up when people needed them. His cousin Nikki used to joke that The Olive Garden had stolen the town motto: When you’re here, you’re family. What sort of family would let a single woman move by herself? But even if the town hadn’t jumped in to help, he would think guys would be lining up to offer their services for Vivien.
